
Thinking Thoughts

I haven't been blogging as much as of late. I've been trying to figure my head out. 

Well that takes a lifetime and I've felt as though I've lived five in only a few months time.  So basically I stepped away from the internet enough to keep moving my  head forward.

I've got a lot of ambition. I've got a lot of dreams. You can't expect it all to happen overnight. I know this. You just got to let magic be.

I can't wait to have this book of mine in a printed format so that anyone interested can read it. 

I've been watching a lot of "Through The Wormhole with Morgan Freeman". It's fascinating. Scientific questioning provokes my artistic soul even more.

Aside from all that I'm trying to establish this clothing line... A collective if you will. That's a thing that will be more successfully completed in 2014 and it's quite the undertaking. It's exciting though.

I've been drawing a lot and scribbling out little fragments for what the next book will be on. I am fairly set on finding a new job. I still want to make coffee, but locally not for the machine. 

The machine pays me well, but I think that moment is over. I need to connect with people on a more intimate level and do my part to ensure I am protecting Mother Earth to appease my conscience. That's a heavy burden to carry.

Well that's all I know to say now. I need to drink more coffee, read some books, do some wandering, and such.

I also need to find this bike seat that I misplaced somewhere in my house so I can get around town quicker. I had it. Where would I have sat it down? I do this way  too often.

Well.. bye interwebs. Happy Adventuring! 


Yesterday and Today and Everything Else, Too

Yesterday I went to a cool art show on SE Belmont called "Boxes of Death" where artist from around town were given miniature coffins and told to make whatever they so desired from/on it. There were some really interesting concepts, lots of people, and just good people observing time.

This West Coast vibe is so pure and chill. I hope to be able to assimilate within it organically, but as of late it's all so surreal and beautiful to me. All I can do is sit back and watch in awe of life and all it's beautiful insanity. 

Everything Else, Too:

I have the upmost respect for my manager and coworkers; more so than ever before, but also becoming more and more aware of the tedious nature of my job. I'm not saying my work ethic has diminished at all.  I just feel more extreme emotions concerning my job.

I don't let spilt coffee stress me, I won't let a long line get under my skin. Not that it ever did before but I feel more numb to it all. 

I don't mind people asking for picky things, that's the nature of my job. For better or for worse that is what Starbucks has created.

It's the idea of being oblivious as to what you are ordering, where it came from, and how much work it takes to get you what you eat/drink that drives me ever towards insanity/enlightenment.  

As a comfortable First World earthling we forget how much of what we enjoy in some way or some form comes from nature.

We forget how many trees are chopped down so we have a napkin or a bag to carry our "stuff" in because why carry around a reusable bag; thats too heavy on our backs or you might get sweaty. Fuck!  

That we as a species are so picky about what we eat; while other animals are force fed shitty mediocre food pumped full of "stuff" so that they will grow exponentially faster so that we have can have a sausage sandwich on our way into our job that we will bitch about all too often.

I won't even get started on the amounts of plastic that goes un-recycled or the amounts of food that gets tossed into the garbage.

The life of another fellow earthling forced through a concentration camp of sorts so that we Manimals have food, but end up throwing it away without even thinking twice about it. It hurts! 

It hurts to let my mind pander on such things. I don't do it too often and try to consume as little as possible in my own little world to help better balance my part of the world. But how long can this go on? We can't keep think that we can eternally extract forever and ever.

I don't like to talk about work. Work is something I do to make my music and art ambitions a reality. But lately I have become more and more aware of my fox origins and with that comes a fondness for the forest that only a fox can have.


Today after work I lied around in the bed and let the cool breeze blow through the window with my good friend, Smoggie Catt. She really does keep me sane and I love her dearly.  

Also just before coming to the Starbucks to take advantage of it's interwebs (because I do not have them at the moment) I went to my friend Tim's to grab his guitar.

He wrote out the basics of guitar tabs and I plan to try and learn guitar finally!!! That is how I will spend my night.

No work tomorrow; time to see how quickly I learn this thing! I just want to be on the stage again. It's the one place I feel most alive besides wandering around the forest.

I can't be in the forest all the time at this present moment though. So I NEED music. I've been writing all kinds of words and I just want to share with them with the entire world! 

It's never too late for change! Never too late to rethink ideals. Times change, technologies do too; as should laws.

Change is inevitable, evolution is guaranteed. It's time to long for a greater goodness. 


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1 Month, 2 Months, 10 Months and Head Thoughts

10 months ago tomorrow I will have arrived in the great land of Portlandia. A lot has changed in that time. I've lived 3 different places since arriving here. I haven't found my dream place yet, but that's okay. It takes time.​ 

​2 months ago I welcomed Cody back into my life as a roommate. 

1 month ago: Adam arrived in Portland. The three of us share an apartment. After living alone for so long sharing a space feels a little peculiar. ​It's not a bad thing at all; just a little different for the head box.

I found a bookshelf yesterday. Being able to see the things I've learned or want to learn displayed on a bookshelf is very important to my head. 

​In the past 2 months Cody and I have started A.B. TV and Adam and Cody have multiple video projects, too. Video game stuff I don't completely understand. I quit focusing on video games a long time ago.

I like the NES, SNES, and pinball machines. I am completely suffice with all those.

​We have 3 solid songs written for our new band, 2 of which I have lyrics for, 1 of which is tracked. As of last night we added a fourth member to our band. His name is Daniel, he's from Russia, he is a really rad dude, and has all the ambition we need! 

 In the last 10 months: I've started a new band, finished writing my book of poetry, made a lot of new friends, started a new video blog series, but I still feel like I need to do more.

I really want to get out of town and go to the coast or a National Forest. I need more hiking. It's good for my head. I'm going to head to Mt. Tabor after I finish typing all these head thoughts. ​

This coffee hasn't soaked into my brain waves yet. I stayed up until about 5 am, slept til 12:30pm. It's now 3:11pm and I feel like a zombie. 

Eggs leave a weird taste in your mouth even after brushing your teeth. ​

A major Chinese company wants to buy Smithfield. That's the US's largest pork producer. I already don't like factory farming, but that idea seems absolutely terrible. ​Read more.

I'm just discovering The XX, but I am thoroughly impressed. Seeing Hundred Waters the other night was awesome. Father John Misty is still one of my greatest heroes in recent years. ​

I love Smoggie Catt. When my money situation is better I will buy her a harness and will start taking her for small walks and eventually on coffee trips! Yay! I can't wait! ​