The Return of A.B. TV

Just over a year ago I started a YouTube series called A.B. TV.

At that time my colleague, Cody Pulliam, helped me film and edit them.

It was pretty fancy.

I even had a clip mic attached beneath my jacket. (Cody don't play.) 

I've wanted to continue the process on my own but I never felt I could do the quality of those justice.

Then I had a thought... Fuck it!

The entire idea of A.B. TV is to dive into the inner beings of my head box and share my thoughts and feels in attempts to build a community... A collective if you will that can learn from each other. 

So A.B. TV is fucking back.

It's simple yet genuine and it will continue to evolve into whatever I so choose. 

Art is about pure intent not the quality of the content.

Quality is debatable but pure intent is felt.

If you get that then you'll get where I'm going with this and if not... Well it's not for everyone. 

With all that said I would love to hear your thoughts. Leave some comments. 

P.S. Martha apologizes for missing the debut, but she'll return soon she was stuck on camera crew this go round. 

A.B. TV Presents: Martha

Sincerely Belated and Guaranteed Overrated. I present to you all: Martha. 

Martha is a lovely lady. We met on my walk home from Laurelhurst Park in Portland, Oregon. I knew as soon as we met that our meeting was no accident.

We are like potatoes and cheese, almonds and dried cranberries, Red Stripe and humid Florida porches, polar bears and coca cola, pop tart wrappers and raccoons... well you get the point!

I do have some unfortunate news though. It is with a heavy heart and busy mind I regret to inform all you wonderful people that my colleague Cody Pulliam and I have decided to take a few weeks off of A.B. TV to refocus and get our shit together.  

We will start back on July 4th just in time for the Independence Day Celebrations of the Great United States of America with an episode I'd like to called: "No One Raises Torches Anymore" based on a recent blog post of mine. 

We may be taking a few weeks off, but I promise it's for good reason. I really enjoy doing these videos. Getting to share my madness with everyone of you creatures brings me great satisfaction, but it's work and rushed work is sloppy work; and that's no fun for the viewer. 

In the mean time you can: like Smoggie Catt's Facebook, drink some beer, check out my Kickstarter Campaign, eat some potatoes (because they're amazing) and get ready for some real magic to begin! 

Love and Magic!

A.B. Corduroy

Yesterday and Today


  • ​I ran 2 miles for first time in for fucking ever. I ran the whole time, my body is a little in shock, glad I did it.
  • Met a potential guitarist for new band with Adam and Cody. He's Russian, really funny and seems really chill.​


  • ​Bad News: There will be no episode of A.B. TV
  • Good News: ​I am tracking vocals to another song for new band tonight.
  • My cheap ass bookshelf collapsed before work. ​
  • ​I'm making coffee for Middle America. What's new, eh?
  • I need to finish up the lyrics to this other track.​
  • I should probably find a bookshelf.​

Vanity, Insanity, And All Things Vulgar

Did I get your attention? I hope so. New A.B. TV episode tonight at 7pm PST. It's about wild plastic bags and how they are trying to take over the world. I

In the mean time read my head thought I somehow miraculously typed out. I spent the last few days trying to write it all out. It's a bit lengthy, but I typed into small blocks because I know it's hard to focus on one big word block. 

The Gods Will Be Dead Before We Reach Them

Shot another Episode of A.B. TV...

It was a bit of a challenge, but I think with the end result will be satisfactory.

The Adam, Cody, and I went up to Rocky Butte; which is actually an extinct volcano. The skies were clear blue and Mt. St Helens and Mt. Hood were majestically towering in the distance. I would have taken pictures but, Iphone 4 wouldn't do it justice. 

​Either way the view was totally worth it all. Ooh and met a rad dude named Gino. He knew a lot of cool stuff and hope to get to know him better in the future. 

A.B. TV-Episode 1

This is the first of a video blog series I have been planning for months with my friend Cody. The topics and adventures will vary week to week.

In short I want a way to share my mind with people and learn more about the world and maybe I'll say something that will spark a thought in someone else's brain. 

The idea is to not only be thought provoking and share my head thoughts but to also be visual stimulating because I know my attention span is terrible so I don't think it's fair to expect to have to just sit and watch me talk.

Therefore we wanted to make something that was almost like watching a documentary or a movie. So with the help of Cody Pulliam we came up with what I think is a very entertaining way of representing what is me and also entertaining to you as a viewer.

I hope you like what you watch. If so please subscribe to the channel, share it with a friend, and watch it again. 

-A.B. Corduroy


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A video blog. From things I consider serious issues that I want to bring to a broader scale than my circle of friends to some random misadventures like drunkenly telling stories with action figures. Basically anything I want. It's my video blog to accompany my written blog. 


Because why not? Because I want to talk about things that are important to me, share my random thoughts, share my learnings and possibly inspire others, because I like having an audience, but mostly to make Smoggie Catt the most popular cat on the interwebs. 


Every Thursday night at 7pm West Coast Time/10pm East Coast Time starting May 2nd. ​