
where do we begin? 

my computer is going entirely too slow but i'm going to keep typing. 

it catches up eventually; it gives me time to breathe. 

the climates have changed. we all know it. i'm just saying it for the sake of narrating. 

what's next? 

in short or long?

my computer stalled again

i'm going to ramble on

i write a lot in notebooks but it's another thing to ramble to a computer screen

it's an open ended script and hopefully it makes some kind of sense

it's hard to talk in sentences when there are so many parantheses in my neck 

living in northwest portland is intense

i appreciate this moment

some words just need to be typed for documentation


that's my favorite word

i moved 2900 miles away to find home

climate change

i moved here for rain

it's changed

so what are we going to do?

we got to come together

hyper localize

it doesn't have to be hard but you should get to know your neighbor

we don't need all the distractions

we set a lot of expectation on appointments and forget about the moments that happen every couple seconds

look up dreamers

the world is still turning

we must make time for learning

read a book. go for walks. say hello to one another.

i don't know where this is going.

these words that is.

we got to connect folks. 

we have to slow down. 

take time to think. take time to wander. 

if we don't take time to think we'll drive ourselves further towards insanity

the heats going to make them crazy.

drink water. lots of water.

california is drying up. so is mexico. so is palestine. and so on.

localize. make no room for the big guys.

it's not easy. nah. 

i don't even know what else to type. 

basically.. make time to think. make time to be. 

the world is changing fast. 

learn to observe. observe to learn.

i need to exit the internets and read some words. 

be free fellow earthlings!


Some of This and Some of That

Life it happens. Sometimes it keeps you wondering. Sometimes it happens; and it happens fast. 

So here it happens. Some of this and some of that.

I'm working on expanding the Sleepwalking Collecitve. Staring the week of November 24th they'll be an official zzzwalking.com and I'll be adding a handful of new artist and contributors. More on that later; I'm just tossing it out there.

Otherly I've been working at a local coffee shop in NW Portland called Vivace for about 2 months now.

I'm really grateful for the experience. It's a totally different tempo after working for corporate Starbucks. It's nice to slow down a bit. Time to think. Time to be not be a busy busy bumble bee.

There's times to genuinely connect with folks and time to draw silly Alfreds on cups.

I guess what I'm trying to say it feels great to make a living being myself, getting tips daily, and not having to try to up sale my fellow man. 

What else?

I read a book called "The Hidden Messages in Water". Yeah read it in one night. Last night to be exact.

Although I do not have the attention span to properly relay the magic I read in this moment. I conveniently hyperlinked it so you can google that stuff.

I'm just impressed my brain let me focus long enough to read a book in one evening. Thank you rain. Thank you magic.

My roommates from about 2 years ago bought me that book and I just read it. It took a minute but it happened at just the right time. Thanks Grace and Kyle. 

I thought I was going to type more, but my brain is drifting away. I need to go cuddle by my lady and finish Disney's Robin Hood. 

Life is what we make it friends.

Just keep swimming!