As for my last post i now realize Waka Flocka is actually my age and cannot run for president. I was feeling exceptionally rantful and probably should have read more. oh well.
politics are getting weird though.
i need to take a shower.
As for my last post i now realize Waka Flocka is actually my age and cannot run for president. I was feeling exceptionally rantful and probably should have read more. oh well.
politics are getting weird though.
i need to take a shower.
today I walked around the most beautiful neighborhood in NW Portland. This one block particularly had really tall Japanese Maples and well designed Victorian houses.
It was enough to make my mind wander and remember how to feel small.
There are many great trees in this region. I find more and more respect for these beings with every passing day.
They've seen so much come and go and they continue to grow.
Metaphors. Cliches. Smoke Break.
Brainwaves > Emoticons
Is Waka Flocka actually running for president? what the what is that about?
As if politics aren't a joke already.
So it goes.
Grow up humanity.
trees are magical.
I'm officially distracted.
wander more . stress less.
be free fellow earthlings!
where do we begin?
my computer is going entirely too slow but i'm going to keep typing.
it catches up eventually; it gives me time to breathe.
the climates have changed. we all know it. i'm just saying it for the sake of narrating.
what's next?
in short or long?
my computer stalled again
i'm going to ramble on
i write a lot in notebooks but it's another thing to ramble to a computer screen
it's an open ended script and hopefully it makes some kind of sense
it's hard to talk in sentences when there are so many parantheses in my neck
living in northwest portland is intense
i appreciate this moment
some words just need to be typed for documentation
that's my favorite word
i moved 2900 miles away to find home
climate change
i moved here for rain
it's changed
so what are we going to do?
we got to come together
hyper localize
it doesn't have to be hard but you should get to know your neighbor
we don't need all the distractions
we set a lot of expectation on appointments and forget about the moments that happen every couple seconds
look up dreamers
the world is still turning
we must make time for learning
read a book. go for walks. say hello to one another.
i don't know where this is going.
these words that is.
we got to connect folks.
we have to slow down.
take time to think. take time to wander.
if we don't take time to think we'll drive ourselves further towards insanity
the heats going to make them crazy.
drink water. lots of water.
california is drying up. so is mexico. so is palestine. and so on.
localize. make no room for the big guys.
it's not easy. nah.
i don't even know what else to type.
basically.. make time to think. make time to be.
the world is changing fast.
learn to observe. observe to learn.
i need to exit the internets and read some words.
be free fellow earthlings!
Oh snap! Check out my soon to arrive, business card. Thank you [sic][redacted] for all your help.
after many weeks of preparation I am happy to say that I have a handful of my art on display at Vivace, the coffee shop I work at. I'll be putting more up over the upcoming week.
i've never put art on display like this before. It's truly a dream come true and thank magic for that reality.
normally it's more about the meditaional moment that I share via
seeing a sketchbook drawing converted to a computer file...
then converted to a print that is multiple times the size of the original image...
buying them a frame...
giving those moments names...
that's a lot of work, man. but the process was fun and i plan on doing a lot more of it.
Unframed prints will be available via the interweb store soonly.
but hey! If you live in Portland come check it out!
Be free fellow earthlings!
<3 ABC
You can't step into the ocean without getting wet.
Sometimes you just have to force yourself to get up and wander.
Wander more. Stress less.
Experimenting with vectors and colors for some potential prints in the near future...
I went for a walk in the rain today.
It really helps concentrate my efforts and calm my head.
There wasn't a lot of rain but it was enough to vibrant the moss up a bit.
I just reread Fahrenheit 451 for the first time since high school.
If you haven't read it in a while or never read it ever, I highly recommend it.
It was written 62 years ago and still feels like it could have been written in the present.
I've been drawing a lot of randomness lately. It's been rainy these last few days and my head is swirling with words and ideas.
To begin with I'm really trying to lock in and focus on producing words for a new book or zine or something. I need to focus on the head thoughts of the last year and make it into a something. More on that when it's a more complete idea. But it's a happening in the making.
Also last night I discovered that with the free program inkscape and a scanner I can make vector images of all my drawings.
It's as easy as clicking a few buttons, man. Which means I can make prints to sell, stickers, and/or pictures to go with stories. All the possibilities!
Also if you haven't been to please check it out. There's a total of 6 of us contributing to the site now and it's magical seeing all the happenings.
Sometimes I think we build such an expectation on what we expect a moment "should be" that we neglect to see the magic/blessings that are happening.
I know I do this.
The beauty is in the insanity.
Take time to think.
Take time to be.
Be Free Fellow Earthlings.
For the sake of sanity please let it rain tomorrow; No sun just grey and rain.
A.B. Corduroy :]
Living in NW Portland has been an ever unfolding adventure.
I would like to relate to you all the things I do, but sometimes photos say enough.
This life I live is truly a blessing and I'm thankful for everyone who is a part of it.
Thank you friends.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
<3 ABC