Rambles / Cimate Change

No one wants to talk about it and those who do often get ridiculed.

I'm no scientist but I am an earthling. 

Winter was a 3 week fling in my part of the world. Summer came in full force. She was quick and  hot.

Summer is still here, but I smell Fall. The acorns are falling. The leaves are yellowing. 

August is coming. Autumn is coming in August.

What's that mean for October?

That's my favorite month.

There are no longer 4 seasons per year. There are 6 at least. 

They say Winter will be crazy for the Pacific Northwest this year.

She thinks it's spring.

Take what you can get, yes. 

I'm just noting the climates have already shifted.

It's time to start as a society/planet acknowledging it on a massive scale or we can wait for a great "natural disaster" to wake us up. Either way...

Mother earth will be fine, but we have to start living accordingly. Soon. 

It's a head full to think about, but it needs to be talked about. 

Anyway.. I'm rambling and barely finished my morning coffee. 

Enjoy some pretty pictures.

It rained yesterday. It was good rain. Sometimes you just need the water to wash away the gunk. 




Stuff and Things

Monday: I had the opportunity to see the band "Homeless Gospel Choir". 

It was acoustic punk rock. Homeboy has a lot of soul. It was very inspiring. Look him up.

Tuesday: I bought new pens and made some really awesome arts at Paymaster with my friends.

Wednesday: I went hiking at Forest Park. It felt good to get be under the trees. I need to walk out there more frequently. 

Thursday: I went to Edgefield to see Morrissey. Good show. He brought on some heavy his last couple songs.

Saturday: Today it rained. It was a good rain. Thank you magic.


Independence Day 2015

"Happy 4th of July!" 

every year it feels a bit more ironic  

watching colorful explosions in the sky  

for a holiday we don't even call by name anymore

it's been dumbed down to a month and a number

Janis was right when she said:

"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose..."  

Either way it was nice to walk across the Hawthorne bridge and put my feet in the river for a moment. 

i fear for the future of this once "great" empire.  

nationality is a thing of the past.  

it's time to put titles away and take care of what really matters; our planet. 

rambles. rambles. rant. rant.  

goodnight friends. 


June 25, 2015 // White Salmon River

I went to white water rafting down the White Salmon River on Thursday. 

That's somewhere in South East Washington. Around Hood River but on the Washington side. 

Anyway there were many awe inspiring eye shots of Mt Hood. 

It was a clear day. Probably in the 90's.

White water rafting was lots of fun. Less scary than I expected. 

You get wet suits and all that essential stuff. 

We jumped a 6 foot waterfall. That's actually it in the picture to the right. 

I didn't fall off once. 

The water was 40 degrees. It was so blue and clear. A very well taken care of river. They say the water is run off from Mt Adams. 

That's glacier water. I love the Pacific Northwest. 

Viva Cascadia! 

Anyway i'm going to quit interwebbing and read this book or draw or something. 

be free fellow earthlings! 



June 20, 2015 // mewithoutYou

Last Saturday night I went and saw mewithoutYou play at the Hawthorne Theatre. 

I almost didn't get in because my ID is pretty jacked up. I just need to invest in an Oregon ID already.

Anyway they played a handful of new songs from their album Pale Horses that came out on the 16th of this month. I recommend it. It's a very multilayered album. 

Lyrically Aaron takes it to a whole new level of i'm not completely sure yet. 

Musically the tone has many parts reminiscent of old songs, yet still has a new twist to them as well. 

The show was good though. The crowd bugged me out a bit because they couldn't keep a beat for anything, but at least they tried i guess.


Return To Indian Henry

The first picture is driving through the countryside on the way out to Mt Hood National Forest. 

The campsite is named Indian Henry.

The second picture is the in the Indian Henry campground. 

I spread some of my brother Dalton's ashes a year ago.

The last picture is the view from under the tree on top of the rock in the second picture.


There's magic in those parts, friends. If you get the opportunity climb up to that tree. 

Feel the breeze sing and listen to the tree. 

I'll spare the ramblings for another entry, but go visit Indian Henry. 

The forest grounds are covered with great fallen trees and pillows of moss. 

I couldn't capture all the magic in photography. 

I went on a journey. 

The climates have shifted. 

I could keep rambling, but I end it with this:

Protect the Cascadian forest and rivers

at all cost.


These Days

"i'm not stupid, he said, undoubtedly a bit naive from time to time, but don't ever doubt my instinct or my integrity."

These days...

the week started out with a lot of rain. 

there was a full moon on Tuesday night. She was a beauty.

this weekend is hitting up quick, suppose to be be in the 90's the weather machine says. 

my friends Jackie and Eric have birthdays next weekend. i'm joining them and others to camp at mt hood for the weekend. no phone reception! trees! rivers! nature! mt hood! yayayyay!!!

my roommate/friend Tim Craft just recorded a 7 song demo. he busted it out quick! i'll share links when he does the same. 

besides that.. i've napped more than i have in a long time this last week, but it was much needed. a lot has been happening.

I gotta keep working hard to make these dreams a reality. 

thanks again to everyone who has purchased prints recently. They're still up for grabs. 

As for the animation/cartoon i've spoke briefly on, still storyboarding. 

Things are foggy (mentally).

i hung out with my friend jackie last night and we colored in her garden and swung on the swings.

well i only have 10 minutes of a lunch break left; I just wanted to ramble for a moment. 

be free fellow earthlings...



not every question has an answer

not every tangent becomes a fractal

there's a full moon in the air tonight

and mercury is still in retrorade / whatever exactly that means

Retrograde Grey Daze

The grey is good. It's lingering. I'm grateful.

I organized two notebooks of art today. There's a lot of stuff there. I lost this notebook, last dated entry was March 28th, but my coworker found it on Wednesday. There's a lot of gems I shared as Sleepwalking Moments that I had given up as laterday memories. 

I met a guy last night who is interested in making my logo dude into an animation. My friend Zak introduced me to him and with our powers combined I'm excited to see what becomes of that venture. 

Also in the last couple weeks I have sold a handful of prints and/or framed pieces from Vivace. To anyone who has bought one, thank you very much. I'm hope you found magic in your purchase. 

On that subject, I'm also willing to mail prints out. I have about 13 different designs ready for print. I'm selling 11x17 prints for $25 or $30 if shipping is involved. 

If you are interested in one of the following, email me at abcorduroy@gmail.com with your mailing address and which print you'd like and we'll work it out from there. 

Because processing orders and going to the post office is a job in itself I have designated Thursday as Post Office Day. So if you're interested in a print, email me by then.

If not you have to wait until next week. Also I'lll post more prints available as time progresses.

I've been attempting to make a gallery page, but I haven't locked in a convenient format yet. 

In the mean time, check out these prints and email me if you're interested in a print.


I'm just remembering to feel the breeze, smell the roses (literally), sing more songs, and wander as much as the sun permits me.

I'm very grateful for these mellow grey days. They've been fewer then I'd like in recent months but grateful for the ones that come around. They help my mind rest and my body settle.

Anyway... Be free fellow earthlings, 


"Either Way"

"Either Way"

"Alfred 16"

"Alfred 16"

There's a new moon in the air tonight.

Can you feel the magic? ​is it all in my head? 

i was told Mercury goes into retrograde tomorrow. I think that's suppose to mean something. Vibe it out accordingly. ​

​Magic is filling the air with possibilities. 

I can't explain it all in basic sentences. 

i'm doing ​what I can though.

i'm thankful to be an earthling and happy with the forest that surrounds my thoughts.​

i need to go acquire a new phone. I spilt some whiskey on the already cracked screen recently. Not purposely of course. ​

Now I can't take pictures and that's just not cool. ​

Couple more gulps of coffee before I go. ​

Be free fellow earthlings. ​



Thinking Thoughts

i got up and washed some dishes and started 2 loads of laundry. All before a morning coffee mind you. 

I got some coffee. I've since began working on my zzzwalking post for the day and rearranged the living room. 

I need to go get those clothes out of the dryer actually but in my frenzy of art, cleaning, and reading I started thinking thoughts.

so for sake of rambling...

there is no good and evil only cause and effect in constant rotation.

reality is a relative.

consciousness is a choice.

i'm not sure on all the interworkings of those last 2 sentences, but I don't feel like redacting anything at the moment. Like I said "thinking thoughts". 

It's nice to have time to think. That's one reason I wander and draw so much. It gets you out of your head. 

In a society like ours where people are constantly on the go we must remember there are bits of "momentary bliss" all around us. We just have to be conscious enough to notice them. 

Anyway, those clothes need taken out of the dryer so I'm going to stop typing for now.

Also there was a really good rain yesterday evening/night. thank you magic.

be free fellow earthlings,



I officially sold 4 pieces from my art showing at Vivace.

That's pretty awesome. That's a first for me. Thank you magic.

It's also good to know the Alfreds will set out into the unknown.

The weather has been quite calming lately.

There's a very steady, cool beeze and it sounds like whispering through the newly bloomed tree leaves.

The following painting is from somewhere in Downtown Portland.

I happened dead in front of her for the first time the other day.

Normally I just admire her from the bus.

I think she's a spectacle worth sharing. I also love the brick building. 

Anyway... I must get ready for work now. 

Be free fellow Earthlings!


Life Lately

My heart is scattered

No metronome 

Compass focused 

But still searching for home 

I bought a PA system finally. That means I sing at an audible volume with the dudes I've been jamming with.

 I don't know what's to become of this endeavor but I feel really good about it. 

I've met a lot of interesting artists folk this past week. 

One dude, Ellery, gave me quite the list of music to check out. I forget the other dude's name in this moment but fairly sure it began with an A. 

I love Belmont.

Also a guy named Josh who reminded me of a cross between Edward Snowden and Morpheous. 

Basically a badass ink and paper artist who I hope will contribute to zzzwalking so you guys can see his genius ness. 

Besides that making coffee and bits of art. Oh and still plowing through Slaughterhouse by Vonnegut. That shit is intense!!

Trying to write but the words fall short lately. So it goes. 

Also a lot of interesting stuff is happening in the world:

Baltimore, Nepal, Iran, China, not to mention all the mayhem about to ensue from election season in the homeland.

Be free Fellow Earthlings.