Happy October

Here's a toast to my favorite month of the year.  

I know climate change has made the Pacific Northwest dryer, but here's to hoping for a misty, grey October 20 (my bday) (also Snoop and Tom Petty's).

I'm working on some really exciting endeavors I hope to share real soonly.  

The thing with magic is you can't give away all your secrets.  

Anyway.. Pick up some yellow leaves and acorns. Eat some candy corn and pumpkin loaf.  

Here's to October. The most wonderful time of the year!  

be free!


Sometimes I suck at keeping up at a blog.

There's so many things I hear/experience that I want to share but my attention span is horrible or I'm just go go go. 

Firstly a delayed toast to Fall and her follies. To Fall and her leaves. 

another thing.. I wrote my first song since Nausicaa days last Wednesday.  


Also watched that lunar eclipse. That was pretty rad.  

I feel a wave of interesting things happening.


Not just in my personal life (But yeah) but for the planet as a whole.   

I'll ramble more nonsense later.  

and more often.  

but pay attention and be involved.  

Most of all... Be free.  



Once upon about a month and a half ago I lost my backpack.

My friends told me to stay patient.

That'll it'll show up soon. 

It's not the first time I've lost some sort of stuff item.

you know? the physical objects that you place relentless emotional value on

with that in mind i knew it was gone

i didn't want to believe but i knew 

there are very few objects i hold as dear as a backpack

this one was waterproof and a rolltop

this one had a notebook of words i've only shown to a few

words that i've continually added to for two years

"follow the yellow leaves, go wherever they roam"

my favorite coffee cup. some palo santo sticks.

a lot of pens. good pens. pens are magic wands. 

also a huge chunk of art i've been saving


to scan?

to make bigger prints?

to make duplicates?

to make more finance?

truth is i don't know

i know i began drawing as a meditation

an escape

to remember a moment

whether consciously or subconsciously 

to cope with writer's block

since losing my backpack 

i've began writing again

and the art is stacking up again

so what do i do with all of these scribblings when i'm currently drawing multiple of per day

they're my comics, my songs without words,

my story

moment by moment

a magic spell

i give it away

or i sell it

i would rather sell someone a piece of "art" for a flat $20

then keep hoarding it to myself and it possibly getting lost again

it's first come, first serve. hand signed and sent out every thursday.

so if this is kind of thing you're interested in: 

  1. find the picture you like at zzzwalking.com/abcorduroy
  2. email me (abcorduroy@gmail.com) the name of the comic (ex: sleepwalking moment sw156)
  3. if it's available i'll paypal you an invoice

if you read this far, thank you for your interest. email me if you have any questions. be free.



And So On

What's been going on lately? 

in my life, not a whole lot. 

i Have an excess of drawings at the moment so I've focused the most of my energies on breaking this almost 2 year writer's block. 

when the skies dried up I started drawing. Now I'm forcing myself to write.

It's a lot of fragmented nonsense, but a good bit makes some sense. 

they say rain is headed our way this weekend. I hope it is true. 70 something degrees outside too.

Fall is coming fast. I can smell her in the wind.

I hope she sticks around a while. I need my grey daze.

i saw Portugal. the Man on Monday. Only $5 at white owl. Always grateful to see those dudes jam out.

There is a full moon / super moon this Saturday. Embrace the magic and hopefully you'll catch a glimpse. As for me I hope it just rains and rains and rains. 

there's too many fires in the Pacific Northwest. It hurts my soul and fucks with my conscious. 

Donald Trump is a fool and if you listen to the stats of these polls, so are you. 

Big media is getting stronger.

The earth is growing warmer.

It's time to come together.

Put away our black mirrors, if only for a moment. 



No Phone

No phone service at the moment.

Use the interwebs (email, Facebook, Twitter) to contact me.

When I have wifi I will reply accordingly.  

12 Cents


12 cents of common sense

won't get you very far

but it's enough to get you thinking

drawing pictures  

writing words

dancing and singing songs

i'm not much for numbers  

mostly they stress me out

one more cup of coffee

8 hour working shifts

they're living for the 3 day weekend

then back at it

no concern for the effects

just living in the minute  

a lot of change is happening  

and convenience is out of control   

mad as a hatter  

wishing for greyer days

waiting for the autumn rain  

still hoping for the best  

watching the world burn

Lost Backpack

I seem to have misplaced my backpack.


If you live in northwest Portland happen upon a grey backpack full of fragmented scribbles and Suess like doodles let an amigo know.

Thank you. 
