Bernie Sanders

Bernie Trump Debate

At a time where i genuinely don't know what to expect next in US politics it seems as though Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are going to have a chance to debate before the final democratic primaries on june 7th.

there is no official date last i checked, but the internet is buzzing too much for it to not happen. 

i think the 21st century could two rowdy new yorkers arguing it out.

i'm curious to see what will become of the situation.

also would it be on fox news... what kind of questions will they ask?

also curious to know how bernie's numbers fair in these final few primaries. 

lately it seems nothing is certain and everything is entertainment. 

stay informed. be free fellow earthlings.




my friend, Cass, was part of a Bernie Sanders themed art show last night.

Below art pics of the prints, contact her on Instagram if you're interested in one. 

i contributed some word for the second print. it felt good to write out my feels about the current politics so thoroughly. 

I encourage you to read it, if you wonder why I support Bernie Sanders more than any other candidate. 


Oregon and Kentucky primaries are tomorrow.  

Keep your hopes up, friends.

Bernie Sanders in no way can solve all our crazy problems on his own, but he has the servitude to start trying. 

Combine that with people rallying together and we can do whatever we want. 


"I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical."  

-Thomas Jefferson

be free fellow earthlings.  



wtf is a caucus?

this is the first time i've seen "caucusing" explained.

check it out.

i don't care who you're voting for. it's about knowing how the system works.

if you're already decided to not vote. i urge you to reconsider.

if you feel the "system" is hopeless. i feel ya.

i feel this is an opportunity to "play by the rules" and see if it really makes a difference. we can do it civilly. attempt to at least. 

the video is a little hokey, but hey it's politics. go with it.

time to take a nap. then clean up my house. 

be fee
