rock and roll

Espresso And Morning Words

Since moving to Portland I have increased my espresso intake 100 fold. I have also come to the conclusion I do not like Starbucks espresso at all.

I have to add mad amounts of cinnamon and half & half to give an appealing taste; where most local shops I can drink my americano as is.​

​I can't wait for people to hear the music works. It's matured a lot since the Nausicaa days, but still does what Nausicaa does best.

Cody has been writing some insanely amazing riffs and Adam's drumming is more tamed than ever before and as you probably know; the only things scarier than an angry bear is an angry bear held in a cage. 

​All and all the music is giving me all the feels, and I can't wait to share it with everyone.  Also I plan to post a snapshot of my book tonight after work. So be on the lookout for that.