
Thanks for Giving

I fell asleep stoned silly last night, listening to the rain, letting the wind blow drip drops through the window as I lay below listening to one of my favorite artist, World's End Girlfriend.

I got out of bed about 1pm, binge drinking coffee and feeling experimental. I pulled out the synth and garageband and started making noise. Below is the final, only recorded proof of that moment that has been the last couple hours or so. I don't know much about time.

I may add more tracks to this one after said shower. I also need to wander outside because I still have not done that today. 

I should shower and munch on something. I am going to my friend Alan Page's this evening and a shower would give me some focus. 

The last year has been one of the most uncertain of my entire life up until now and I've been very contemplative and reflective on truly what I am thankful/grateful for.

I normally don't pay this holiday of Thanksgiving much mind, but I am taking time to really contemplative the why's of whom and what I am grateful for all week.

To those that have been part of the past year, I thank you all for the good, the bad, and damn right ugly because in the past year I have remembered and discovered a lot more than I will type out in this moment. Let the music do the rest. 

Be Free Fellow Earthlings,