the waypost

tick tock

the snow has mostly melted away. there are still slippery patches out there.

i went and saw my friends, Austin and Greg play at the Waypost on N Williams.

i haven't been in that bar in a moment. and the amount of construction in the northeast is brain melting.

either way… cool to be in NE Portland. I need to wander over there more often. [note to self]

I've been reading "The Phantom Tollbooth". my friend, Cody gave me it as a christmas gift. 

another friend of mine… Andrea suggested i read it a bit back as well.

it's witty and easy to read… alice in wonderland ish.. 

my favorite quote thus far: 

"i never knew words could so confusing" Milo said.

"only when you use a lot to say a little," answered Tock.

be free fellow earthlings. 


This Waypost

This evening I wandered to Skidmor/North Mississippi Avenue. I wandered up and down the streets before returning to The Waypost on North Williams Avenue which is approximately 4 blocks from my house.

There are quite a number of micro realities between just here and there. I wish I could tell you about all of them, but I'm sure I'll go back. 

I had to get back to The Waypost, it was the whole reason I left. 

I had convinced myself to walk on. It was worth it. I don't question that. But also I had to get back for the time there was well spent.

I returned close to 8pm maybe. Honestly I don't think I know when, but I had 3 beers and some nachos, not necessarily in that order. They were nothing extraordinary (the nachos), but that's okay I'm ready to go back. 

There were many attractive people and good songs to be heard. I read through a comic from Jackie Jones and read a few pages in The Red Book. 

Now I think will rest. Eat some beans and drift to a world narrated by music or maybe Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp. Yeah that sounds right. I'll do that. Sleepy Hollow it is. Goodnight.