
restless. undecided. 

i've only a few days left to decide, but at this current moment i do not see myself voting in the 2016 presidential election.

i will vote in local elections. 

i do not make it a habit to live in fear.

to vote for clinton or trump is just that. 

to vote third party in this election feels a waste.

i've voted third party every other election. 

tis that or write in Bernie's name. 

you know if enough people came together to do that it may have made a difference, but we didn't mobilize well enough.

instead we jumped behind 3rd party candidates or jumped behind clinton because we were told if we did not than we were allowing trump to be elected.

i don't know how all this will resolve, but i can't in good consciousness vote for any of the candidates running for president of the united states.



Smoggie Catt's birthday was Thursday. 

i went to see Brand New's last show a couple weeks ago.  

I bought a lot of groceries. learning to cook myself meals again. 

i began rereading Alice in wonderland. 

singing more while I wander. 

working lots and working hard. 

learning more and more. 

writing is happening more. 

drawing never stops. 

US politics are fuvked. 

the leaves are changing colors.

fall is coming.  

the acorns are falling.  


"Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter."
-Thomas Jefferson

weekend update

smoggie catt has become real intimate with my old man chair, it melts my heart.

protest? loneliness? or just stomach churning adorable? 

a little bit of all of it.  

i believe it has something to do with me working longer hours.

she seems content and chills there even when I'm home, though. 

i appreciatte you, smoggie catt.  

I'll bring your "breakfast" after work.

be patient, please.


catching up but not quite caught up.​

working hard. learning new stuff.​

​i've been working at a food cart for over a month. 

we make all our own nut butters, fruit spreads, cut and deep fry chicken...

I haven't had to multitask this hard since my early Starbucks moments.​

I've been reading about bacteria in the waters around Florida. This is the second spot this week I've seen.​ hope all my friends are doing alright.


i also read the other day the north and south jet streams crossed. ​

i don't know a lot about science but I have noticed seasons as we know them are not as consistent as they once were. do your own research.

​I worry about drought, wars over territory, and more intensified weather patterns. not always but often enough. 

i want to get out of town and go camping. I'd like to get back to Indian Henry and explore more southern Oregon this summer.​ 

I haven't been to crater lake since I visited Oregon in 2010.​

drawing lots and sorting through words to put together a NEW poetry book of sorts.​

my brain hurts a lot, but I know there are many who hurt worse. ​

I'm relearning to prioritize and thankful for the friends I've got.​ 

i need to write new songs. I know intuitively that's what I need for ultimate sanity. it'll happen soon but it hardly feels soon enough. i had to step away for a moment to get some perspective. 

my train stop is coming up. I'm going to quit rambling for the moment. ​

be free fellow earthlings. ​



i went wandering a moment or so ago. it's what i do when i need to get out of my head. 

thank you Kimmy for the cherries and thank you Colin for the dirty jokes that i won't repeat here.

the scents of post rain and warm, cozy, fire filled the air.

also the jasmine is in full bloom. 

nothing like that smell punching your nose when you walk around the corner.

i've been working on a "magic box" made from scraps of an "alice in wonderland" book i found the other day.

all of my palo santo is about burned up. i need to acquire more soon. 

but now i must wander away from the laptop to make some rice.

be free fellow earthlings.



head thought

in my opinion, in a successful democracy, these primaries/caucus times should be looked at as a "season" not a "race". 

i don't know what it is technically called, but it's a thought i'm trying to type out.

why the race to a number?

in order to believe a government has our best interest at mind, individually and collectively:

why should not every state and territory have EQUAL opportunity to vote? 

then compare test scores at the end and elect accordingly. 

to me, that is what democracy looks like.

played out more often rather than sprinting to "magical number 666.6" or something i can make sense of what the founding fathers envisioned. 

this is the first time i've seen the process played this far out and it's quite interesting.

as we've seen this season, the rules could use a 21st clean up.

we're still flipping coins for delegates in some places. really though.

well that and getting big money out of politics. again. 

i'm going to quit rambling now. 

be free fellow earthlings.




moments and stuff

i worked prep at my new job at the food cart last night. midnight to 8am. 

it's interesting getting off work at that hour.  i like it.

i'm still awake.

probably power nap in a few hours.

currently listening to "new medicines by dead poetic"


two nights ago i watched smoggie catt play with two raccoons in the alley

she teased them a bit but was never violent


i've had a lot of moth friends visiting me lately


i visited washugal, washington for a moment a few mornings ago

it was a surreal hour, sunrise, fog still hovering over the greens

beautiful views of mt hood, too


today is the last of democratic primaries

hillary is said to have enough delegates to have already clinched the nomination according to AP

i'm ever curious to see what unfolds from here

oh politics...


be free fellow earthlings / long live liberty


hearts on a cross hatch

each one a little more derange than before

i talked with a shadow about the light

she told me i ought to wander a while longer

and so on

so it goes

over and over and over 


Bernie Trump Debate

At a time where i genuinely don't know what to expect next in US politics it seems as though Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump are going to have a chance to debate before the final democratic primaries on june 7th.

there is no official date last i checked, but the internet is buzzing too much for it to not happen. 

i think the 21st century could two rowdy new yorkers arguing it out.

i'm curious to see what will become of the situation.

also would it be on fox news... what kind of questions will they ask?

also curious to know how bernie's numbers fair in these final few primaries. 

lately it seems nothing is certain and everything is entertainment. 

stay informed. be free fellow earthlings.



yesterday i walked through a thunderstorm up Mississippi Avenue. 

complete with hail!

i heard more thunder yesterday than i have heard in the entirety of my almost 4 years in Portland.


also i celebrated the birthday of one of my favorite peoples, Alan Page.


i'm getting a new phone in a few days or so.

i'm finally going to get a 503 number.

feels a little weird, i've had the good ole 352 number my entire adult life.



life has been interesting lately.

  • i notice a lot more than ever before. 
  • i just made some delicious fried rice. 
  • remembering the crazy that makes me who i am.
  • starting a new job soonly.
  • i had a really tasty quesidilla recently.
  • it even had chicken and it didn't freak me out. yay! thanks nikki.
  • oh and my friend Bruce gave me a sweet pair of chucks!

life is alright sometimes. 

i'm very thankful for my smoggie catt friend.

she's my constant. 


the last of the primaries for the democratic party are coming up. 

i'm curious to know how all that works out. 

and what other absurdness donald trump will come up with. no bueno.

also what happens to the rest of our republicans friends.

has anyone else noticed the weather people have no idea what is happening.

i mean even the really smart ones (noaa for example. i find them interesting.) know a lot. 

but they are giving 75% chances at things happening.


get involved. pay attention. localize and harvest.

i'm going to quit rambling and go sit outside and draw.

it rained a lot these past few days. all the trees and flowers smell delicious. 

be free fellow earthlings.
