
will you let it carry weight?

will you drown in the lake

by the barn

in some northeastern state?

probably not

what's illogical to some

makes sense to the rest

someone said "it'll be better..."

I didn't hear the rest of the sentence

I was too stoned to focus

what's the difference in hope and ignorance?

i'm not sure yet

maybe the fear of losing __________.


I found a pair of mildly worn Doc Martin shoes earlier this week, but they are no means formed to my feet, yet. Holy shiza my toes are sore.

I went to a house show down the street on St Patrick's night. I saw this badass band, Tango Alpha Tango. I highly recommend looking them up. I danced my ass off.

I met a lot of rad folk there, unfortunately I don't remember the most of their names. I normally write name and associations in my magic book, but I left it in my backpack to stay in the moment.

I remember Joey. He played drums for Tango. And I believe there were a few Kevins?

I'm on my second listen through of Deerhunter's Microcastle album today.

Smoggie Catt jumped out the window and went exploring for a few days. I can't blame her it was a grey, rainy day and that's her favorite weather.

She's been staying with my friend, Mehgan while I transition for one place of residence to the next.

The trees are beginning to bloom again. Spring is in the air. I've been sneezing all day. Ick!

Enough rambles for now.

Be free fellow earthlings.


life lately

I fell down. 

I fell far.

The last blog posts I wrote were right around the US election time. 

A lot has happened since then. You don't need me to fill in. 

Resist and Localize, friends and lovers.

Our resources and our communities are most important. 

Today it's sunny / Yesterday was grey.

Tomorrow.. who really knows? 

That's life in the Pacific Northwest.

I like the grey though.

The sun is nice, too. It's still crisp, cool air out there.

At my local coffee shop, Seven Virtues, because nothing quite makes enough sense before I drink espresso.

I've moved back into NE Portland. Mt Tabor is a 20 minute walk away from my new home base.

I got a full time job at Pearl Bakery downtown. Good people, yummy foods.

I've been working hard at making music. I need to work harder. I want to play more live shows. 

I MUST play more live shows. Learning how to replicate the music part of a song is my biggest challenge, but I can do it. The singing part is easy, and honestly the most fun.

These days I'm not use to be awake before noon, but I am now, so enough rambling for now. I'm going to go clean up my room and wander a while. 

Be free fellow earthlings. 


[song for the heavy hearted]

i've been experimenting with musics a lot lately

it's all a weird magic of improv

this song feels like the soundtrack to walking around town the last few days

it's a bit noisy, but i hope you'll give it a listen

it's crazy what you can do with a keyboard, a pedal, and an imagination

it's turning grey again

there are still some colored leaves around, but the trees are mostly bare

which makes it easier to see the sky

and feel the rain on your head

keep your heads up, friends

let the rain drip down your face


handful of fools

i walked down towards the Pearl last night. for those not living in Portland, that is a really nice and well moneyed neighborhood in the NW quadrant of town. 

Last night was night 3 of protests against Donald Trump. A handful of people decided it was a good idea to take baseball bats to businesses and spray paint on others. 

Donald Trump is our president elect. Unless we seriously find a way to not make that be, that is our reality. Busting up buildings is not a way to solve such things.

To the handful of fools, mark my words, if you are not careful, these outbreaks justify martial law. The feds have a lot of power right now. It's a time to be patient and observant, not foolish. 

In other news it's really creepy how Donald Trump has head next to no press near him at the moment. Keep your eyes and hearts open, friends. 

be free fellow earthlings


good morning

hello fellow earthlings...

it is november 10th 2016. donald j trump is the president elect of the united states of america.

as much as i am worried about what all those republicans with power can do at a time like this, i think we all knew intuitively we would have to fight for what we believe even if Hillary was elected. 

As interesting as 4 years of bill clinton memes would have been, we don't need such distractions: now we must be more diligent about getting involved and standing up for others; be that student debt, combatting climate change, health care for all, fracking, the north dakota pipeline, all the pipelines, etc etc.

i'm asking you fellow earthlings to not live in fear.

filled with good intent, fueled by fear, we'll all become monsters.

instead, study and learn, organize and stand up, love one another, and remember when we unite under a common causes there is nothing we cannot accomplish.

liberty and justice for ALL

be free fellow earthlings



wandering lots. looking for a new job. ​i've applied to some rad places the past couple days. 

​sold 5 pieces of art a couple nights ago. thanks Jen. 


the leaves are almost all on the ground. those still on the trees are quite photogenic.(show offs)

also i posted some old designs of mine on a site that lets you print shirts, coffee cups, hoodies.. all kinds of stuff. 

check that out here: https://www.teepublic.com/user/abcorduroy

4 days until election day. i need to feel out that ballot.  

long live liberty.  

be free fellow earthlings.  


life lately

looking for a new job. i'd really like to find something more hands on and artsy and not food.

priority is to just to find a job asap and save up and make the greater dreams happen in this moment.

we'll see what happens.

my 30th birthday is tomorrow. no longer a "20 something", still a "millennial".

trying to sell more art. i've went through and archived it all into an album and folders. 

found a comfy little hangout to people watch and share art a few blocks from my homebox.

had a few transactions, but lots of human connections which is the greater experiment at play.

the leaves are absolutely gorgeous lately.

happy october everyone. 
