

I haven't been interwebbing as frequently lately. 

I don't know what that means I'm doing with my time. I think I hang out with people some of that time.

I sleep between 1-4pm. The rest of the time I spend drawing pictures, drinking coffee, trying to read and not be distracted. All of that in no particular order: shuffled and repeated. Yeah that's what I'm doing.

Also, my books have come in! You can buy them from my interweb store.

Otherly, Christmas Time is upon us. It really doesn't feel like it. Maybe it does in a way. Hmmm...  

I left my favorite coffee mug when I hung out with Cody the other day. I miss Floyd very much. 

What else? I don't know right now. 

Buy my book! Read it's words! Happy Christmas! Goodnight! 

Business and Fluffy Things

Business: I think I fixed the error with my web store! You can properly buy my book from my website now! Just let me know if it's giving you nice people any more errors.

Don't forget I will have my physical copies sometime next week. I'll let you know exactly when i have them. So technically you're ordering from my site is a preorder.

 You can buy it by clicking this pretty picture below: 

If the idea of a preorder puts your nerves on edge you can also order the book at these other outlets:

from my Publisher's Website!

off of AMAZON


Fluffy Things:

Smoggie and I fell asleep watching Ninja Turtles on the couch. It was the perfect end to a perfect day of wandering. 

There was hot chocolate, Doritos, and cuddles.

Smoggie Catt is the best friend I could ever ask for. 

My Book! It's Published!

Aaaaah!!! Remember that book I’ve been talking about writing? It’s published!

So yeah! It’s a thing! Aaaah!!

There are many places you can buy it!

  • On my publisher’s website
  • On Amazon! (Where you can/should leave reviews!) 

On my site!

Yeah from the blog you’re reading right now!

I get more money that way.

Of course that’s the only reason I’m doing this is to be rich like R.L. Stine. Duh!

Or you can go into any bookstore and ask them to order it! That is also an option!

It should be noted I won’t have my own physical copies on my person to mail/hand out until next week sometime.

You can still place an order on here if you’d like at any time.  

Follow all that? I think my brain did.

Thank you to everyone: Paige, Cody, Lia who made this possible.

That really means a lot to me. The End.

One Book Written:

One book written and already have plans for 2 others. As soon as I raise the necessary funds for printing the first book they will be available for purchase via this very website: ​

​With that said if you have money to spare and a giving spirit please donate to my cause. Every little bit helps. There's only 1 backer in the last week. Help me out and let's get this book printed!

My Kickstarter Has Launched!


Hello one and all! I've created a kickstarter to help to cover the cost of printing my debut book of poetry and other words!

If you have the money to spare I'd be eternally grateful for anything you can contribute! ​

​In return there are many incentives which include a Bookmark of Smoggie Catt, a poster inspired by the book (designed by Cody Pulliam), and all kinds of other little things. 

Quit reading these words and just go to the page and see for yourself! ​