
Fragmented Realities (Rambles of a Madman)

I have been working on making this “poetry” book a reality for almost 4 years now.

I began writing the words and drawing the images between 2016 and 2017 during a very dark and yet enlightening moment of my life. There is a lot to be learned from darkness. There is a lot to learn from the light. It takes all of it to make us a whole.

I believe it is the bridge between the zzzmoments I draw almost constantly and the songs I sing out at rock n roll shows. There is a bridge between symblols and words/language and it is a magical realm to wander into.

I printed 33 copies because I find 33 a magical number and I am 33 years old at the moment.

I am selling them for $30 each and as of this blog post 7 copies have found homes. Limited originals from the book are also available for $50 to anyone interested. (I will post more on that later.)

If you are interested in a copy they will be available when I will be singing and making noise this Friday at No Fun Bar (9pm) and this Sunday at Ranger Station (7pm).

If you do not live in town, comment below, send me an email, reach out to me on social media and we’ll make it work.

I will eventually be selling the books and the original art from the “Fragmented Realities” via my interweb store.

Truthfully it’s been so long since I utilized the .com store that I am in the midst of working out some kinks/links to make it work properly.

I am excited this story. I am excited to play a couple shows this weekend!!

i love entertaining! i love singing! i love creating!

There are many words that I would to say right now.

I need close up this blog post because I need a shower. I need to clean up home. My friend Cody Trespalacios that I have known since 3rd grade is coming to town tomorrow. It will be his first time in Oregon.

Okay my legs are bouncing and it’s hard to focus so it’s time to brew more coffee and shower.

Talk to you soonly fellow earthlings!



I’ve been making lots of coffee.

It’s a monday through friday kinda job at the moment.

working on lots of art, too. I’ve been working on a big commission piece for someone in Florida.

Pictures coming soon.

singing songs. more and more. that’s the truest joy I find in this life.

i like where i am even if at times it feels kinda lonely at times.

I have Smoggie Catt and magic.

Thank you.

All of you.

You know who you are.


See it all.

Thank you for being here.

We couldn’t do it without

One Too

the fantasy is in a crimson headdress

beside the bed

reality is on the bedroom floor

where we left it  

the night before   

perceptions in the mirror

burning like a candle  

and other happenings  

less inclusive than we thought

if the connection is valid

as I hope it is

than once removed it should be simple

to fit into a little room

tucked away  

another groove / another tune

an accidental accent leads to conversation  

hold the handle before you consider  

pushing open the door

enter as you need

she's off to the east side again

beyond the Pacific sea

she's doing the hokey pokey  

a call in the morning will do you good

after the bills are paid

the dishes are put away  

the bed is made

and no one can remember

don't forget to pack up your socks and paints

pray we resemble one another  

wash behind your ears

from time to time / until time is done  

we are the shadows we cast

the light in a stranger's glance  

and that is only the start of it

she shakes

he fades

into another sunset



will you let it carry weight?

will you drown in the lake

by the barn

in some northeastern state?

probably not

what's illogical to some

makes sense to the rest

someone said "it'll be better..."

I didn't hear the rest of the sentence

I was too stoned to focus

what's the difference in hope and ignorance?

i'm not sure yet

maybe the fear of losing __________.

Where Are We Now?


Where are we now

Momentary rain

Waiting for forest fires

Waiting to float down rivers

sleep by camp fires

Insecurity and Uncertainty are eternal beings of feelings waiting to be outgrown

There's a lot of magic in this world

Yet this world is but a one coordinate in an infinite, unfathomable unfolding

There's true humility in the nothingness we are

Together we are stronger

Together our energies unite

                             Waiting for forest fires, still making time to enjoy campfires                                    

Campfires and marijuana 

Smores and guitar moans

Keeping my house clean... ish

Improving where I can


Drawing stuff

Not writing quite enough

Thinking a lot

Still looking for a job

Where are we now?

Right where we began, my friends

Circle. Circle. Dot. Dot.

It don't matter much, but it matters enough. 

Be Free Sale!

Stuff and Things! Try to follow me.. my attention span is drifting to and fro more so than I'd like it to at the moment but as long as I keep typing it'll all spill out.

You should know Tom Waits is buzzing in my ears, I'm in a coffee shop down by PSU, it's grey and drizzly, the trees are sprouting green, and all the coffee shop voices bubbling over the music in my ears make my head spin in the direction of every happening.

There's a lot moving around me; that's what I'm trying to say. So much life! So many happenings!


  1. The E book version of my book: "Poems, Proverbs, and Other Absurd Words By A.B. Corduroy" is available for free download on Amazon today through Sunday at Midnight! The ebook does not have the drawings and custom font as the physical book does, but it is a piece of my mind that I feel needs to be shared regardless.  http://goo.gl/ycgnCL
  2. All orders in my Interweb Store are 20% off now through NEXT Friday! That includes all Sleepwalking Collective merchandise and the physical copies of my book. Just be sure you type "befree" as the Promo Code at checkout.
  3. Lastly all orders of $30 or greater receive $10 off their purchase! That means if you buy a shirt and a book, the printed edition of my book is technically FREE! This also extends through NEXT Friday. Just be sure you type "zzz" as the Promo Code at checkout.
  4. All orders come with a unique coloring pencil drawing by yours truly. There's no telling what kind of magic you'll end up with. 

There it is! All the deals! I stayed focus! I typed it out!

New stickers, buttons and other objects of propaganda are in the works.

I'm just making up as I go folks. Creating a lot of art these days!

Thanks for your support! 

Be free fellow earthlings!

Be Free! 

My Book! It's Published!

Aaaaah!!! Remember that book I’ve been talking about writing? It’s published!

So yeah! It’s a thing! Aaaah!!

There are many places you can buy it!

  • On my publisher’s website
  • On Amazon! (Where you can/should leave reviews!) 

On my site!

Yeah from the blog you’re reading right now!

I get more money that way.

Of course that’s the only reason I’m doing this is to be rich like R.L. Stine. Duh!

Or you can go into any bookstore and ask them to order it! That is also an option!

It should be noted I won’t have my own physical copies on my person to mail/hand out until next week sometime.

You can still place an order on here if you’d like at any time.  

Follow all that? I think my brain did.

Thank you to everyone: Paige, Cody, Lia who made this possible.

That really means a lot to me. The End.

Coming Soon! My First Book!

Once upon a time I said I was moving to Portland, Oregon because the grey clouds make me feel more creative.

I'm moving to Portland, Oregon to do something new...

I've been here just over a year and it's been way more magical than I could have ever hoped.

In the really near future you'll be able to purchase my first book! 

I may be Virginian by birth, but I thank the stars I found Cascadia.

I've met some absolutely fascinating creatures, had some amazing adventures, and it's only just begun.

I believe in Cascadia and thankful for everyone who has taken me in and understood how I do. 

All those words to say... this feels really surreal to have a book to show you how I do.

What is the book? Poems, proverbs, and other absurd words.

The way I cope with the madness that is life; how my head makes sense of things. 

It's the fragmented parts I tell you whether it's in a doodle or written word that helped me cope with stuff whether cold toes or a broken heart.

It's those sentences that make me believe everything will be okay in someway, one day, someday(s),

I believe we spend way too much time waiting for something and forgetting just to be. 

I hope when you read this book you understand. I can't wait to share it with all of you.

These words are a moment in time. A time I don't have time to reflect on and expand on at this moment. 

My life over the past 3 years. A few sentences even older than that.

Some lyrics that never made it into songs found homes in previously written poems.

It's kind of fascinating to see it all blur together in one giant fragmented reality.

It's quite magical to see at least one person believed in what I was trying to convey.

I've got stacks on stacks of words of worlds to share with you guys in the future. This is only the start.

I don't claim to know it all, but I've learned a lot. I hope you'll join me on this journey. 

Anyway.. buy my book because I want to be a rich or stuff! ;)

I have to go for now interwebs. It's cold outside and I want to go explore! 

I'm just rambling at this point. Oops.

Live. Dream. Get lost in lost in between.


A Poem Of Sorts

I find things on the ground all the time in my wanderings. Some I share with the interwebs; most just go glued in my notebooks for sharing with my friends. 

It's really awesome the things you will find if you just keep your eyes and ears open.

The other day I found another abandoned and destroyed book.

I ripped out a random page and cut it in a half.

My friend Jackie Jones and I endeavored to make poems from the words in our respected paragraphs. This is the outcome of said endeavor.

I call it: "little pieces". 


This Morning's Head Thought Now Complete

new poem, new thought, for new (second) book.


where do you think you're going? 

i really don't know

i kind of make up as I go

insanity or enlightenment or maybe something more

just go with it; get lost in it

it doesn't matter what it's called

i just want a place to call my home

one day i'll die to the tide

i've seen it in my dreams at night

but now ain't the time

it's alright to be a little hesitant  

most creatures are

but it's not until you let go

you find out who you really are

One Book Written:

One book written and already have plans for 2 others. As soon as I raise the necessary funds for printing the first book they will be available for purchase via this very website: abcorduroy.com. ​

​With that said if you have money to spare and a giving spirit please donate to my cause. Every little bit helps. There's only 1 backer in the last week. Help me out and let's get this book printed! 


My Kickstarter Has Launched!


Hello one and all! I've created a kickstarter to help to cover the cost of printing my debut book of poetry and other words!

If you have the money to spare I'd be eternally grateful for anything you can contribute! ​

​In return there are many incentives which include a Bookmark of Smoggie Catt, a poster inspired by the book (designed by Cody Pulliam), and all kinds of other little things. 

Quit reading these words and just go to the page and see for yourself! ​