
Pen Pals

I know I've been a shitty pen pal but I have brand new book stamps. 

I have the weekend off.

I promise to be more consistent.

Expect letters friends.

Also if you're interested in being pen pals and we are not already message me and I'll give you my address.


Download my Book For Freeeeeeee!!!!

I have been told by my publisher that an ebook version of my book will be available as a free download this Friday, January 17th!! That's pretty cool, eh?

The truth is I don't fully get into the ebook thing. I don't fully get the ebook thing. I like that it makes people learn and such, but it's just not how I go about my reading with the exception of news and social netowrking. 

Anyway... I want you people to download it!

It's free! 

The unfortunable side is that it will not include my illustrations and my personal font, but when I finished that collection of words it was the feeling of one moment ending and the simultaneous beginning of another. 

It's not how it looked.

It's the combined energy of how those lines stacked together and my soul was shook.

How every poem made me feel: uniquely and as a collective whole. 

So maybe it's the best way to read the book. An honest look at my humility and awkward optimism and personal hells. 

It don't make sense unless you read it, but what I'm trying to say is you should DOWNLOAD MY BOOK FOR FREE! 

I was also asked by my publisher to tell you nice people that you should leave reviews. I think asking for flattery directly is kind of silly and not truly me, but if it gets more people to notice my book and future work which I believe is even more thought provoking insanity!

Then boom! Yeah! Leave reviews! Be honest! Tell them you like potatoes just like me.

I just want to give people a little hope amongst tragedy. To show people there's magic if you just believe. 





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My Book! It's Published!

Aaaaah!!! Remember that book I’ve been talking about writing? It’s published!

So yeah! It’s a thing! Aaaah!!

There are many places you can buy it!

  • On my publisher’s website
  • On Amazon! (Where you can/should leave reviews!) 

On my site!

Yeah from the blog you’re reading right now!

I get more money that way.

Of course that’s the only reason I’m doing this is to be rich like R.L. Stine. Duh!

Or you can go into any bookstore and ask them to order it! That is also an option!

It should be noted I won’t have my own physical copies on my person to mail/hand out until next week sometime.

You can still place an order on here if you’d like at any time.  

Follow all that? I think my brain did.

Thank you to everyone: Paige, Cody, Lia who made this possible.

That really means a lot to me. The End.

Distracted But Still Intact.

So my notebook is full to the point of no more writings. Technically there is space but I feel it needs to be done. You know?

New notebooks are kind of like reincarnation. You get a new start but there's always that same basis. Which is the entire reason you write.

Whether that's to share a story, peace of mind, or maybe you just like the look of the lines. For me that's discovery. Discovery about me and the world around me. 

All that to say I need to buy a new notebook/sketchpad thing, but I can't do that until Tuesday.

All of that I would normally be doodling or writing weird words right now but I can't so instead I'm sharing this with you as it pops in my head.

Rearranging some of the sentences of course. 

It makes a better story that way. It's actually more reality. Is that what a blog is? 

I think of it as a digital time capsule closet. 

The real reason I began writing this is to say how beautifully distracting Tame Impala is. That's why I can't read. My mind just wants to wander to other worlds and things.

Pen Pals

Hand written letters are a magical means of communication that we as a specie should not let die out because of electronic mail. Don't get me wrong; they both have their place but....

there's nothing quite like getting a letter in the mail, seeing that person's handwriting, their doodles, the fragmented stories they take time to share, that can only be appreciated if experienced first hand.

So if you are interested in undertaking such a venture with me then email me at: abcorduroy@gmail.com 

The only catch is you have to send the first letter to show me your serious about this endeavor. That and I also have a short attention span and more likely to reply if I get an intriguing piece of mail.   

Any takers?