
Pen Pals

I know I've been a shitty pen pal but I have brand new book stamps. 

I have the weekend off.

I promise to be more consistent.

Expect letters friends.

Also if you're interested in being pen pals and we are not already message me and I'll give you my address.


Pen Pals

Hand written letters are a magical means of communication that we as a specie should not let die out because of electronic mail. Don't get me wrong; they both have their place but....

there's nothing quite like getting a letter in the mail, seeing that person's handwriting, their doodles, the fragmented stories they take time to share, that can only be appreciated if experienced first hand.

So if you are interested in undertaking such a venture with me then email me at: abcorduroy@gmail.com 

The only catch is you have to send the first letter to show me your serious about this endeavor. That and I also have a short attention span and more likely to reply if I get an intriguing piece of mail.   

Any takers?  


2 Letters!

Just wrote 2 letters: wrote, sealed, and stamped and ready to drop in the mailbox tomorrow.

One of them is a reply to a letter written to me on May 8th. Long overdue to say the least. I think the rain helped; she put me in a creative mindset.  Good thing the rains are returning.