

I just reread Fahrenheit 451 for the first time since high school.

If you haven't read it in a while or never read it ever, I highly recommend it.

It was written 62 years ago and still feels like it could have been written in the present. 

Interweb Store

I just wanted to say I've made more sales via my Interweb Store in the last week than I have made since it's opening in December. That means a lot. Thanks for the support. It's very satisfying to make money from my arts. Thank you friends.

Also some of you have been asking for some screenshots of my book so here you go.

Thanks again for the support everyone. I've been working working on some new Alfreds for my custom coloring pencil drawings. All drawings will be on card stock not my typical sketchbook paper. I'll post pictures of those soon. 

Be free fellow Earthlings! Be Free!

Be Free Sale!

Stuff and Things! Try to follow me.. my attention span is drifting to and fro more so than I'd like it to at the moment but as long as I keep typing it'll all spill out.

You should know Tom Waits is buzzing in my ears, I'm in a coffee shop down by PSU, it's grey and drizzly, the trees are sprouting green, and all the coffee shop voices bubbling over the music in my ears make my head spin in the direction of every happening.

There's a lot moving around me; that's what I'm trying to say. So much life! So many happenings!


  1. The E book version of my book: "Poems, Proverbs, and Other Absurd Words By A.B. Corduroy" is available for free download on Amazon today through Sunday at Midnight! The ebook does not have the drawings and custom font as the physical book does, but it is a piece of my mind that I feel needs to be shared regardless.
  2. All orders in my Interweb Store are 20% off now through NEXT Friday! That includes all Sleepwalking Collective merchandise and the physical copies of my book. Just be sure you type "befree" as the Promo Code at checkout.
  3. Lastly all orders of $30 or greater receive $10 off their purchase! That means if you buy a shirt and a book, the printed edition of my book is technically FREE! This also extends through NEXT Friday. Just be sure you type "zzz" as the Promo Code at checkout.
  4. All orders come with a unique coloring pencil drawing by yours truly. There's no telling what kind of magic you'll end up with. 

There it is! All the deals! I stayed focus! I typed it out!

New stickers, buttons and other objects of propaganda are in the works.

I'm just making up as I go folks. Creating a lot of art these days!

Thanks for your support! 

Be free fellow earthlings!

Be Free! 

Download my Book For Freeeeeeee!!!!

I have been told by my publisher that an ebook version of my book will be available as a free download this Friday, January 17th!! That's pretty cool, eh?

The truth is I don't fully get into the ebook thing. I don't fully get the ebook thing. I like that it makes people learn and such, but it's just not how I go about my reading with the exception of news and social netowrking. 

Anyway... I want you people to download it!

It's free! 

The unfortunable side is that it will not include my illustrations and my personal font, but when I finished that collection of words it was the feeling of one moment ending and the simultaneous beginning of another. 

It's not how it looked.

It's the combined energy of how those lines stacked together and my soul was shook.

How every poem made me feel: uniquely and as a collective whole. 

So maybe it's the best way to read the book. An honest look at my humility and awkward optimism and personal hells. 

It don't make sense unless you read it, but what I'm trying to say is you should DOWNLOAD MY BOOK FOR FREE! 

I was also asked by my publisher to tell you nice people that you should leave reviews. I think asking for flattery directly is kind of silly and not truly me, but if it gets more people to notice my book and future work which I believe is even more thought provoking insanity!

Then boom! Yeah! Leave reviews! Be honest! Tell them you like potatoes just like me.

I just want to give people a little hope amongst tragedy. To show people there's magic if you just believe. 





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Coming Soon! My First Book!

Once upon a time I said I was moving to Portland, Oregon because the grey clouds make me feel more creative.

I'm moving to Portland, Oregon to do something new...

I've been here just over a year and it's been way more magical than I could have ever hoped.

In the really near future you'll be able to purchase my first book! 

I may be Virginian by birth, but I thank the stars I found Cascadia.

I've met some absolutely fascinating creatures, had some amazing adventures, and it's only just begun.

I believe in Cascadia and thankful for everyone who has taken me in and understood how I do. 

All those words to say... this feels really surreal to have a book to show you how I do.

What is the book? Poems, proverbs, and other absurd words.

The way I cope with the madness that is life; how my head makes sense of things. 

It's the fragmented parts I tell you whether it's in a doodle or written word that helped me cope with stuff whether cold toes or a broken heart.

It's those sentences that make me believe everything will be okay in someway, one day, someday(s),

I believe we spend way too much time waiting for something and forgetting just to be. 

I hope when you read this book you understand. I can't wait to share it with all of you.

These words are a moment in time. A time I don't have time to reflect on and expand on at this moment. 

My life over the past 3 years. A few sentences even older than that.

Some lyrics that never made it into songs found homes in previously written poems.

It's kind of fascinating to see it all blur together in one giant fragmented reality.

It's quite magical to see at least one person believed in what I was trying to convey.

I've got stacks on stacks of words of worlds to share with you guys in the future. This is only the start.

I don't claim to know it all, but I've learned a lot. I hope you'll join me on this journey. 

Anyway.. buy my book because I want to be a rich or stuff! ;)

I have to go for now interwebs. It's cold outside and I want to go explore! 

I'm just rambling at this point. Oops.

Live. Dream. Get lost in lost in between.


A Poem Of Sorts

I find things on the ground all the time in my wanderings. Some I share with the interwebs; most just go glued in my notebooks for sharing with my friends. 

It's really awesome the things you will find if you just keep your eyes and ears open.

The other day I found another abandoned and destroyed book.

I ripped out a random page and cut it in a half.

My friend Jackie Jones and I endeavored to make poems from the words in our respected paragraphs. This is the outcome of said endeavor.

I call it: "little pieces". 


Weekend Ambitions!

What am I doing this weekend you ask? 

  • Reading! 

I have a lot of reading I've wanted to do this past week, but I've worked long days and get off work and my apartment is super warm and I end up ambitious-less.

No excuses: need to read more news articles, and some history and science stuff that has been begging for my reading.  

  • Buying Honey! 

Local Honey! Why? Because my sinuses are super out of whack and that just seems like the right thing to do. And how cool does it sound to buy honey that was made in your own neighborhood? For real though... Awesome! (Bee Local)

  • Hiking to Pittock Mansion!

It's been a while since I've been to the Northwest side of town and the view from the top of the hill is absolutely amazing.  

  • Tackling The Beatles Discography!

Dudes and Dudettes! I think I'm finally ready. I've made some major progress in the last two years in catching up on the music I was sheltered from growing up. Led Zepplin, Pink Floyd, and many many more but I'm not awake enough to recall them all at this moment. But.... The Beatles discography has seemed very intimidating. But as of about 20 minutes ago it's begun. Starting with the first album and going in chronological order. Let the magic begin.   


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Too Hot

When I'm too warm; I have no ambition. Which a major reason for leaving Florida.  

Currently the outside temperature is perfect to me, but this apartment has no AC and the the circulation of outside air is mediocre at best.  

I don't like this one bit. I need a fan of some sort.  

There are far too many books and news articles to read, but this warm apartment has disabled all such longings. I just want to fall asleep and wake up in need of a blanket.