smoggie catt

Smoggie Catt's 13th Birthday

Today, my good friend and best pal, Smoggie Catt turned 13 years old. She’s been by my side through some of the most trying and most exciting times of my life. She lays down beside me when I am ill, constantly gives kisses, and all around badass creature.

I love her love for the rain. I love her longing to adventure and always meet new neighbors. I look forward to many more years of adventures and improv photoshoots with her by my side.

Also full moon and meteor shower tonight! And Happy Birthday to my friend Cody Trespalacios that has been my friend since third grade!


moments and stuff

i worked prep at my new job at the food cart last night. midnight to 8am. 

it's interesting getting off work at that hour.  i like it.

i'm still awake.

probably power nap in a few hours.

currently listening to "new medicines by dead poetic"


two nights ago i watched smoggie catt play with two raccoons in the alley

she teased them a bit but was never violent


i've had a lot of moth friends visiting me lately


i visited washugal, washington for a moment a few mornings ago

it was a surreal hour, sunrise, fog still hovering over the greens

beautiful views of mt hood, too


today is the last of democratic primaries

hillary is said to have enough delegates to have already clinched the nomination according to AP

i'm ever curious to see what unfolds from here

oh politics...


be free fellow earthlings / long live liberty



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This is my "office".

Where all things creative and productive take place at the home front.

I have officially finished round  1 of edits for the poetry book and waiting for the second round.

I've finished all my work and now it is cuddle time with Smoggie Catt.

That's my favorite part of every day,

She's been sitting in my lap for the entirety of this blog post actually. 

Alright. Bye Interwebs.  

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I woke up with a headache at about 8:30am, went back to sleep, and up and getting the essentials done but this damn headache isn't going away. I've been drinking coffee, took headache medicines, even ate a warm and wholesome meal.  

Also I've been trying to get into the new Arcade Fire stuff but it still hasn't grabbed me like the last few albums. Am I missing something? 

I love Smoggie Catt so much. She is so funny about Portland weather. She loves running outside but then she runs inside telling me about how cold she has got. I try to tell her that I know. I warned her it would be cold. I guess we all just have to learn things on our own. 

Otherly, outside getting my book published I have another new endeavor my friend Josh Bermudez in Florida have been working on. I've told a few of you people about it, and can't wait to tell of you about it. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I can go live with the idea. 

Enough computer time for the day. I need to wander. 

It's A Cool, Grey Day


  • the skies are turning grey
  • the temperature is a comfortable 67 degrees
  • Smoggie Catt keeps running in the house covered in a light layer mist
  • my laundry is clean

Now I'm going to read a book and let Edward Scissorhands play in the background. Mostly because I don't have the attention span to just sit and watch the movie while it plays by itself.

And because nothing compliments a cool, grey day in my head like a good old fashioned Danny Elfman soundtrack. Nothing.

Going Places. Seeing Faces.

My life happenings as of late have been very fascinating to my brain box. Today especially has been surreally soothing.

Been spending some good times with good folks and I see no end in sight. Unfortunately I'm feeling way to mellow to try and type it out right now. Sometimes feelings just have to simmer and come out in a creative form later. It's been that kind of feels lately.

Also listening to a lot of Deerhunter today; his Microcastle album specifically.

The rain this morning was absolutely mesmerizing.

I know I say it a lot but I'm very thankful for Smoggie Catt. She makes me so happy and is full of so much personality. There's a connection there that only the stars can bring. 

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All The Feels

All the thoughts and feels but alas my body just wants to rest. Storytelling will have to wait for another time.  

Smoggie Catt's birthday is tomorrow. 

I have so many thoughts I'm trying to put into writing but right now it all has to simmer in my head before it can become poetry or storyboarded.  


Today and Tonight and Stuff

Today: I think I will head downtown and find a place to do some wandering and maybe some writing. See what kind of adventures I can happen upon. I have left over coinage from yesterday's laundry an americano from Stumptown sounds lovely. I also have some long overdue letters to write to people. Yes today will be a day of people watching, coffee drinking, and word writing. 

Tonight: It's First Thursday and there are two shows I really want to see. So tonight will be full of going to see art.

Stuff: I love Smoggie Catt. I also love waking up and not rushing to run to the coffee shop to make coffee for the masses. I love my overcast mornings. Waking up about 9am; I can linger about and do my workings on the interwebs and read some news at a casual pace and then around 1pm then be out and about until at least 9 exploring the world around me. I love you Portland, Oregon. Thankful I finally made it here. Sometimes I wonder if I'm still dreaming.



Yesterday and Today and Everything Else, Too

Yesterday I went to a cool art show on SE Belmont called "Boxes of Death" where artist from around town were given miniature coffins and told to make whatever they so desired from/on it. There were some really interesting concepts, lots of people, and just good people observing time.

This West Coast vibe is so pure and chill. I hope to be able to assimilate within it organically, but as of late it's all so surreal and beautiful to me. All I can do is sit back and watch in awe of life and all it's beautiful insanity. 

Everything Else, Too:

I have the upmost respect for my manager and coworkers; more so than ever before, but also becoming more and more aware of the tedious nature of my job. I'm not saying my work ethic has diminished at all.  I just feel more extreme emotions concerning my job.

I don't let spilt coffee stress me, I won't let a long line get under my skin. Not that it ever did before but I feel more numb to it all. 

I don't mind people asking for picky things, that's the nature of my job. For better or for worse that is what Starbucks has created.

It's the idea of being oblivious as to what you are ordering, where it came from, and how much work it takes to get you what you eat/drink that drives me ever towards insanity/enlightenment.  

As a comfortable First World earthling we forget how much of what we enjoy in some way or some form comes from nature.

We forget how many trees are chopped down so we have a napkin or a bag to carry our "stuff" in because why carry around a reusable bag; thats too heavy on our backs or you might get sweaty. Fuck!  

That we as a species are so picky about what we eat; while other animals are force fed shitty mediocre food pumped full of "stuff" so that they will grow exponentially faster so that we have can have a sausage sandwich on our way into our job that we will bitch about all too often.

I won't even get started on the amounts of plastic that goes un-recycled or the amounts of food that gets tossed into the garbage.

The life of another fellow earthling forced through a concentration camp of sorts so that we Manimals have food, but end up throwing it away without even thinking twice about it. It hurts! 

It hurts to let my mind pander on such things. I don't do it too often and try to consume as little as possible in my own little world to help better balance my part of the world. But how long can this go on? We can't keep think that we can eternally extract forever and ever.

I don't like to talk about work. Work is something I do to make my music and art ambitions a reality. But lately I have become more and more aware of my fox origins and with that comes a fondness for the forest that only a fox can have.


Today after work I lied around in the bed and let the cool breeze blow through the window with my good friend, Smoggie Catt. She really does keep me sane and I love her dearly.  

Also just before coming to the Starbucks to take advantage of it's interwebs (because I do not have them at the moment) I went to my friend Tim's to grab his guitar.

He wrote out the basics of guitar tabs and I plan to try and learn guitar finally!!! That is how I will spend my night.

No work tomorrow; time to see how quickly I learn this thing! I just want to be on the stage again. It's the one place I feel most alive besides wandering around the forest.

I can't be in the forest all the time at this present moment though. So I NEED music. I've been writing all kinds of words and I just want to share with them with the entire world! 

It's never too late for change! Never too late to rethink ideals. Times change, technologies do too; as should laws.

Change is inevitable, evolution is guaranteed. It's time to long for a greater goodness. 


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Morning Head Thoughts

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  • I'm really enjoying my new apartment. It's not even completely set up and I already feel the creative energy buzzing.  
  • Not having an ID will make you feel powerless. I can't even buy my own alcohol.  
  • I'm so ready to play music again. I have some wild ideas. 
  • I don't think I'm going to be able to go without internet at my house. 
  • Smoggie seems to really like sitting at the table with me; this makes me really happy inside seeing her sit in her own chair.