
today I walked around the most beautiful neighborhood in NW Portland. This one block particularly had really tall Japanese Maples and well designed Victorian houses.

It was enough to make my mind wander and remember how to feel small. 

There are many great trees in this region. I find more and more respect for these beings with every passing day. 

They've seen so much come and go and they continue to grow. 

Metaphors. Cliches. Smoke Break.

Brainwaves > Emoticons 

Is Waka Flocka actually running for president? what the what is that about?

As if politics aren't a joke already.

So it goes.

Grow up humanity.


trees are magical. 

I'm officially distracted. 

wander more . stress less. 

be free fellow earthlings!



Photo Dec 11, 10 21 17 PM.jpg
Photo Dec 11, 10 49 34 PM.jpg

Things I did in no particular order:

  • I drank coffee. 
  • I woke up and got out of bed before 9am and didn't have work today.
  • Josh and I finalized the order for the first batch of Sleepwalking shirts.
  • I made eggs and yummy toast.
  • My book was officially published and is live on the world wide interwebs.
  • I bought a pair of glittens (glove/mittens). They are made of alpaca wool.
  • i bought marshmallows and stamps amongst other random things.
  • I got a new nose ring. Nothing fancy but it doesn't have the ball thing. Yay!
  • I wandered. I wandered a lot.
  • I saw the most astonishing colors as the sun set. It's one of those moments you want to share with everyone but don't think they would get why you're losing your wits. 
  • I bought a new sketch pad.
  • I drank more coffee.
  • I did a lot of thinking about things and stuff. I need to write more of this down, but I didn't want to quit moving. It was cold and there was too much to be seeing.
  • I saw Joel and Cass. They are splendid people with a very vocal cat. Kind of like Smoggie Catt but more sass. Kind of like Denver Kitty.
  • Today was a beautiful day.
  • I am still anxiously awaiting the return of the rain.
  • I drew pictures.
  • I listened to music.
  • I lived and contemplated the act of living.
  • Today I was once again thankful to live in the Pacific Northwest corner of planet Earth where everywhere I look is magic.
  • Now I will let my imagination wander to the music of Muse.


Going for a walk can soothe frustration and spark imagination. 

Try it. Walk a minimum of 10 blocks.

Don't look at your phone at all. Maybe try leaving the phone at home.

Keep your eyes open for animals and/or other people walking your way, random pieces of stuff cluttering the sidewalks, and listen to all that's happening around you.

There's some interesting stuff out there.

Goodbye for now interwebs; I'm going for a walk.




I woke up with a headache at about 8:30am, went back to sleep, and up and getting the essentials done but this damn headache isn't going away. I've been drinking coffee, took headache medicines, even ate a warm and wholesome meal.  

Also I've been trying to get into the new Arcade Fire stuff but it still hasn't grabbed me like the last few albums. Am I missing something? 

I love Smoggie Catt so much. She is so funny about Portland weather. She loves running outside but then she runs inside telling me about how cold she has got. I try to tell her that I know. I warned her it would be cold. I guess we all just have to learn things on our own. 

Otherly, outside getting my book published I have another new endeavor my friend Josh Bermudez in Florida have been working on. I've told a few of you people about it, and can't wait to tell of you about it. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I can go live with the idea. 

Enough computer time for the day. I need to wander.