Kid: "Look mom, he's a rockstar."
Me: "More a wannabe rockstar."
Kid: "but you've got a Michael Jackson shirt."
Me: "Yeah that's the real rock star."
Kid: "High Five"
Thanks little dude for keeping the spirit rock n' roll alive.
Kid: "Look mom, he's a rockstar."
Me: "More a wannabe rockstar."
Kid: "but you've got a Michael Jackson shirt."
Me: "Yeah that's the real rock star."
Kid: "High Five"
Thanks little dude for keeping the spirit rock n' roll alive.
... and Happy Independence Day USA!
It's more than just the 4th day of July and fireworks in the sky!
Be Free!
Life is what we make it. Live. Dream. Get Lost in Between.
Yesterday I went wandering with Paige and Sabrina and we happened upon a neighborhood park that I've yet to spend anytime at.
The view from said park is absolutely breathtaking.
Portland, you are majestic.
Stay awesome.
Don't lose your magic.
The neighborhood intersection got a fresh paint job. Still dreaming of living on this enchanted street one day.
May your days be long and the nights be longer.
Be outside, float down rivers, climb up mountains, and do lots of camping.
Rejuvinate in the heat and don't forget to drink lots of water.
One day you'll wake up and realize you're lost in a dream. Be Free Fellow Earthlings! Be Free!
I went to Mt Hood National Forest last weekend for my friends' Jackie and Eric's birthday.
I have wanted to dive into that region of Oregon as far back as 3 years before moving to Oregon.
The forest is absolutely divine.
It's really easy to forget who you are, even more so where you are.
Also it was only just over an hour drive from Portland. That's so close!
It feels so healthy and alive out there.
The air is crisp.
The plants are 50 shades of green.
There are great fallen trees who give to baby ferns and moss a solid back to grow on.
I have never truly felt more at home until that moment.
It was a magic I've only seen in my head that feels so wonderfully familiar again.
"The further one goes, the less one knows."
-Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
I was rehired to Starbucks on Tuesday.
This store is just a cafe without a drive thru which is nice, but I'm still looking to work for a local shop of some sort.
I'm not a fan of working for Starbucks but the I do like my current coworkers and the work is easy. Thank you Tracy.
Also I've been working on and off the last few months at going through old notebooks and gathering stuff to compile a new book and/or books.
Not sure what angle I'm going for just yet, but it's all simmering in the brain box over and over and over again.
I saw the most fiery flower yesterday.
This last weekend I started cleaning up my backyard which is like a time capsule of weeds and stuff of my landlords that has just been left to the elements. It's a new adventure every time I go exploring.
I found a bunch of square tiles I've been painting. I think once I get a healthy stash of them I'll sell them for $20 each. In the mean time I'm just going to keep gifting them to people because that's just as fun.
So yeah life is alright. I'm making money ever so slowly again. Things are going to be fine. Money is just another exchange of energy. She should not be feared.
Until another time.
Be Free Fellow Earthlings. Be Free!
Hello Sleepwalkers! Planet Earth is a big place. Live. Lust. Learn.
Sleepwalking isn't about sleeping your life away, it's about using the magic of dreaming while you're awake.
Life is what you make it, make it awesome.
It's that time again. The roses of Portland, Oregon are beginning to bloom again and they are every color you can imagine and more.
What's the point? Why do I post a picture of doodles every morning when I have shirts to sell? Do you even sell shirts? Who am I talking to? What the hell is Sleepwalking anyway?
Hmmm..... well it's been a while since I rambled hard.
1: I do sell shirts. I wish I had all the money to do this as a full scale, full time job business, but that ain't how I do. I make up as I go, I make use of what I have, I make it what I want it to be.
2: By my definition to Sleepwalk is to: "Live. Dream. Get lost in between.". In other words things are NOT how they be. They are what you make them to be. We all have magic to make our own realities, but only some of us really tap into that energy.
3: I post drawings because that's how this clothing line started. Drawings in a notebook when I feel overwhelmed by feelings I cannot put into writings. They are all part of the same world I run to in my head. They are all "Alfreds" and they all live in a place I think I call "Corduroy Cove".
4: I do not sleep a lot. 3 hours here. 4 hours there. I find magic by in peoploids. In animals. In conversation. In books. In rambles. In drawing.
5: The idea of Sleepwalking Collective is to inspire others to do the same. I don't care if you draw, write, sing, play guitar, but get lost in whatever the doing you do. If one person listens, if 10 listen then cool. Mostly it's for me.
6: Sleepwalking Collective is a clothing line: Yes. I want it to be greater. I want it to be a movement of art. I want it to be more than just me, but these things must happen organically. There will be more items available. I don't try too hard to front I'm more than I am. I just had to start somewhere that was comfortable for me. Some months I make no money, others $50, mostly somewhere in between.
I am already exactly who I've always thought I would be. The rest happens when you take time to just let things be. Sometimes I post absurd stuff. Sometimes it's heart felt thoughts.
7: I want to do a many of things. I got many more books I want to write: kid's books, graphic novel/poetry epics, and many many more. I want to make music again. I want to perform music again. It all can't happen overnight. Shit.. It took me how long to even start a clothing line and write a book.
Time is a joke.
She creates knots and expectation. Just because some tweeny pop star took over the world overnight doesn't mean you have to. I mean look at the old man who wrote Game of Thrones. Homeboy hasn't even finished writing those books yet.
LASTLY... Sleepwalking is a Revolution. I don't expect you to believe me. It's a shift in consciousness, but it has to start within.
I don't do time, but something happened at the beginning of 2014. The beginning of the end of the corporate machine.
Those machines didn't rise to power in the blink of an eye. They didn't do it alone. I can't do this alone.
The shift won't happen overnight, but I predict it will by the end of my life and I expect to live between 85 and 100. So we have at least 58 years worth of work to do.
I'm only trying to creep into you're thinking patterns. You can call it absurd or just words. I've already said a whole lotta lot of brain thoughts and my attention span is that of a fly.
Enough of my ramblings. Be Free Fellow Earthlings. Be Free!
Where are we now
Momentary rain
Waiting for forest fires
Waiting to float down rivers
sleep by camp fires
Insecurity and Uncertainty are eternal beings of feelings waiting to be outgrown
There's a lot of magic in this world
Yet this world is but a one coordinate in an infinite, unfathomable unfolding
There's true humility in the nothingness we are
Together we are stronger
Together our energies unite
Waiting for forest fires, still making time to enjoy campfires
Campfires and marijuana
Smores and guitar moans
Keeping my house clean... ish
Improving where I can
Drawing stuff
Not writing quite enough
Thinking a lot
Still looking for a job
Where are we now?
Right where we began, my friends
Circle. Circle. Dot. Dot.
It don't matter much, but it matters enough.
Today I woke up and followed through with my habitual checking of Craigslist for new job postings, followed by a quick look on Poached Jobs.
Both of which only turned up a handful of selections, but nothing concrete just yet.
I then wandered 6 miles in hopes of finding places to leave resumes. While the job search was not as successful as I had hoped, I did enjoy the walk. I even took a few moments to take some photos.
Nothing too fancy, just common day occurrence stuff.