
Rambles / Cimate Change

No one wants to talk about it and those who do often get ridiculed.

I'm no scientist but I am an earthling. 

Winter was a 3 week fling in my part of the world. Summer came in full force. She was quick and  hot.

Summer is still here, but I smell Fall. The acorns are falling. The leaves are yellowing. 

August is coming. Autumn is coming in August.

What's that mean for October?

That's my favorite month.

There are no longer 4 seasons per year. There are 6 at least. 

They say Winter will be crazy for the Pacific Northwest this year.

She thinks it's spring.

Take what you can get, yes. 

I'm just noting the climates have already shifted.

It's time to start as a society/planet acknowledging it on a massive scale or we can wait for a great "natural disaster" to wake us up. Either way...

Mother earth will be fine, but we have to start living accordingly. Soon. 

It's a head full to think about, but it needs to be talked about. 

Anyway.. I'm rambling and barely finished my morning coffee. 

Enjoy some pretty pictures.

It rained yesterday. It was good rain. Sometimes you just need the water to wash away the gunk. 




Coming Soon! My First Book!

Once upon a time I said I was moving to Portland, Oregon because the grey clouds make me feel more creative.

I'm moving to Portland, Oregon to do something new...

I've been here just over a year and it's been way more magical than I could have ever hoped.

In the really near future you'll be able to purchase my first book! 

I may be Virginian by birth, but I thank the stars I found Cascadia.

I've met some absolutely fascinating creatures, had some amazing adventures, and it's only just begun.

I believe in Cascadia and thankful for everyone who has taken me in and understood how I do. 

All those words to say... this feels really surreal to have a book to show you how I do.

What is the book? Poems, proverbs, and other absurd words.

The way I cope with the madness that is life; how my head makes sense of things. 

It's the fragmented parts I tell you whether it's in a doodle or written word that helped me cope with stuff whether cold toes or a broken heart.

It's those sentences that make me believe everything will be okay in someway, one day, someday(s),

I believe we spend way too much time waiting for something and forgetting just to be. 

I hope when you read this book you understand. I can't wait to share it with all of you.

These words are a moment in time. A time I don't have time to reflect on and expand on at this moment. 

My life over the past 3 years. A few sentences even older than that.

Some lyrics that never made it into songs found homes in previously written poems.

It's kind of fascinating to see it all blur together in one giant fragmented reality.

It's quite magical to see at least one person believed in what I was trying to convey.

I've got stacks on stacks of words of worlds to share with you guys in the future. This is only the start.

I don't claim to know it all, but I've learned a lot. I hope you'll join me on this journey. 

Anyway.. buy my book because I want to be a rich or stuff! ;)

I have to go for now interwebs. It's cold outside and I want to go explore! 

I'm just rambling at this point. Oops.

Live. Dream. Get lost in lost in between.


Morning Coffee Head Thoughts

  • Humans swarming around the condiment bar for their coffee needs reminds me of cows herding around fresh hay, pigs around a trough, and bees buzzing around a hive.
  • Bon Iver is still my go to grey day music. ​
  • If the steady continues I may finally get my "rainy, cartoon chill day" I've so desperately wanted lately.​
  • "Lump Sum" by officially my favorite track by Bon Iver. 
  • The coffee shop I work at is completely too small for the amount of traffic that passes through. ​
  • I often wonder what kind of things future civilizations will look back at in a couple hundred years and think "why would they have ever done that?" ​