
rainy daze

the good

the bad

and the hungry

all want the same thing

dignity, atonomy, and community

i am listening to the local jazz station and there is a beautiful song playing

very soulful

the song had… it just ended… the song had clips of Martin Luther King Jr mixed in and i heard him say something i have never heard before.

the words:

“we in america have a unique opportunity in history to have a blood-less revolution…”

there may have been more. that’s what i took note of.

less voilence and more creative protest are a must

leave it and run

I saw people running

“leave it!” they yelled to their companion with a tail.

sitting stil and sharing what eye see is difficult.

it wasn’t before.

a lot is an answer.

vague and honest.

rambling is an excercise.

it needs to be done routinely to make it work.

it is entertainment to me. so i endeavor once again to share my experiences on this .com .

what you see is what you get

I have been listening to the album “Mimicking Birds” a lot lately.

There are some absolutely powerful lyrics layered in it.

A.B. Corduroy endorsed.

Ashley Klump and I acquired some animal skeletons yesterday. I’ll post more pictures of those at a later time. I am still learning some of their origins, names, mythologies. Animals tell us lots of secrets if we are willing to listen.

I talk to the crows a lot. Those grumpy ole fucks see a lot. Don’t piss them off. Get to know them. Move along.

I am grateful for where I am in my life. I am grateful for my friend group, my home, my lover, my cat companions, I am grateful for you, whoever you are reading these words.

The more we get together // The happier we will be

Words have a lot of power and decisions hold power.

Give gratitude aloud often. Shift the narrative.

We are people // We are not data

we are not an algorithm

Until the next moment.

Live. Dream. Wander in Between.

Sleepwalk with me.

Look for the symbols. Listen to language. And don’t forget about body language. It is most important.


Fragmented Realities (Rambles of a Madman)

I have been working on making this “poetry” book a reality for almost 4 years now.

I began writing the words and drawing the images between 2016 and 2017 during a very dark and yet enlightening moment of my life. There is a lot to be learned from darkness. There is a lot to learn from the light. It takes all of it to make us a whole.

I believe it is the bridge between the zzzmoments I draw almost constantly and the songs I sing out at rock n roll shows. There is a bridge between symblols and words/language and it is a magical realm to wander into.

I printed 33 copies because I find 33 a magical number and I am 33 years old at the moment.

I am selling them for $30 each and as of this blog post 7 copies have found homes. Limited originals from the book are also available for $50 to anyone interested. (I will post more on that later.)

If you are interested in a copy they will be available when I will be singing and making noise this Friday at No Fun Bar (9pm) and this Sunday at Ranger Station (7pm).

If you do not live in town, comment below, send me an email, reach out to me on social media and we’ll make it work.

I will eventually be selling the books and the original art from the “Fragmented Realities” via my interweb store.

Truthfully it’s been so long since I utilized the .com store that I am in the midst of working out some kinks/links to make it work properly.

I am excited this story. I am excited to play a couple shows this weekend!!

i love entertaining! i love singing! i love creating!

There are many words that I would to say right now.

I need close up this blog post because I need a shower. I need to clean up home. My friend Cody Trespalacios that I have known since 3rd grade is coming to town tomorrow. It will be his first time in Oregon.

Okay my legs are bouncing and it’s hard to focus so it’s time to brew more coffee and shower.

Talk to you soonly fellow earthlings!


if you saw the look on their faces you'd know when to look away

green chair

deerhunter on the radio player // album: cryptograms

woke up at 9:30am // stepped out for a smoke and check the mail

i had a valentine’s day card from Ashley’s parents

unexpected and fuzzy feels. thank you Craig and Kristie.

Fell back into sleep realm and woke up at 4:30pm

wandered down to find coffee at Bare Bones

helped Ashley vacuum out FDAK

And Now: Deerhunter on the radio player // album: cryptograms

spontaneous cleaning tasks intertwined with creative spurts and now computer words

be blessed. be free. be aware. be.


Monday day way

It’s been a lovely rainy day in Portland, Oregon.

I took a long walk in the rain to get coffee a few hours ago with Neutral Milk Hotel, In The Aeroplane Over The Sea and Pink Floyd, Dark Side of The Moon in my ears. They fit this weather quite well.

I saw my friend Jay Ringer play musics last nite. What an incredible human being. He plays the keys and the trumpet at the same time. I couldn’t focus to film it because I was far too entranced. Keep doing what you do, Jay. It’s incredibly inspiring.

The night sky is on the horizon. I need to clean up my homebase for a little bit.

Goodbye for now internets.



the end of a decade

and the start of another

one full of trust and hope

a time to be stern and graceful

a time of new beginnings

and completion of ongoing projects

a time to project realities

speak truths


toss the nonsense

tune in / toon out

backpage experiment.png

there are many narratives

they appear in words overheard



there is a need to wander

and a longing to sit content

a blue pill and a red

metaphor upon metaphor

resistance and escapism

uncertain what it means to be okay

okay to be insane

a madman once told me

the gods are nothing without relief

and magic is nothing without belief

i believed him and found the fifth dimension

unable to reside there and here

leads to me to frustrating situations

to see through people or to see them through

and what it means to be free

it’s a big box

a big sphere

quantum cycles

looking for the source of it all

oh it's tuesday

the best day of the week! the day that never ends and never began!

with one weasel in the back pocket of the antelope who hopped the ocean in search of a coat

i don’t know how it got there and i don’t care to talk about your speculative woes

it’s not historic until it’s written in stone

it’s not decided until they decide to let it go

follow me to the river

you don’t have to jump in

i know i won’t

it’s not what i do

and i’m just as furious as you about this fever sweeping the banks of the Nile

well if there is one thing i am certain of

i’m certain of this little acrobat and the magician that followed them back to the lab

they think they’re clever and they think they know what is best

but i know better then them

rock n roll will save our souls

just as it did

and always has

and it will again

lifffe and stuff as of lately

I’m playing singing songs and making noise at The Nest Lounge this Wednesday night from 10 to 10:30pm. If you are in the area I’d love to see you there. Yes… you.

The last two weeks have been a constant go go with very little repose. It all started simmering down yesterday evening. Ashley and I started organizing and cleaning our homebase or as we call it, the foggy lantern.

It’s been fun making a home with Ashley Klump. There is healthy amount of movement of things and it feels a little more hohmy every little shift. I have never really felt this feel before. I guess I’ve never meant a person like Ashley Klump before eyether.

Well I intended to ramble more but I got distracted cleaning out my email of unreads. There is about 6 thousand of them which means a refresh of unsubscribing to things i thought I would read.

I’m looking for more shows to open up for people. I need to walk to the grocery store a few blocks away.

that is all for now fellow earthlings.

be free.


Idaho / Wyoming

Good Morning!

From the Teton Valley of Idaho to Jackson Hole, Wyoming that is where I have been for the last few days. It is absolutely breathtaking. Literally, as we drive over some of these mountain ranges I have lovingly reminded Ashley Klump to breathe.

It’s unlike anything I have ever seen before. Mountains beyond mountains. It’s September and there is snow on the distant mountains. We drove through a pass yesterday and there was snow on the ground beside us.

We went to pick up Ashley’s sister, her husband, and little one (less than 2 years old), from an airport that lands in the Teton National Park.

When I walk outside all I hear is the wind blowing through the trees and my own breath most the time.

I saw a white buffalo, only from the car, driving by, not close enough to take a picture, not close enough to photograph or say hello/hi.

I’m still hoping to cross paths with a red fox. They’re out here. I’ve read it to be so. The elevations out here are unlike anything I have experienced to date.

Lots of deer. Lots!

The sun is out this morning for the first time since we arrived.

Ashley’s parents are genuine, straight forward, good hearted people. Felicity, her little niece of not even two years of age is adorable. We hit it off rather quickly. I like the little ones and the way they see the world. It’s easier for me to relate. It’s simple and unfiltered.

Ashley’s parents have built quite the getaway home up here in the middle of nowhere almost.

The nearest towns, itty bitty towns, are a good 30, 35 minute drive. Victor and Driggs.

I feel blessed to get out of the city. I love Oregon, but it’s nice to get out and explore.

Tomorrow is the first day of Fall and we plan to visit Yellowstone National Park, another first for myself.

Tuesday we plan to explore Jackson Hole, Wyoming.

Wednesday it’s on the road back to Oregon again.

I am grateful and blessed for this experience.



i went wandering a moment or so ago. it's what i do when i need to get out of my head. 

thank you Kimmy for the cherries and thank you Colin for the dirty jokes that i won't repeat here.

the scents of post rain and warm, cozy, fire filled the air.

also the jasmine is in full bloom. 

nothing like that smell punching your nose when you walk around the corner.

i've been working on a "magic box" made from scraps of an "alice in wonderland" book i found the other day.

all of my palo santo is about burned up. i need to acquire more soon. 

but now i must wander away from the laptop to make some rice.

be free fellow earthlings.



tartarus by acorn season

you'll remember when
not too long from now
you'll say, "a.b., you were right, friend." 

on the other side of hell
there's a story of hallelujah glory
when the saints go marching in
i'll be laughing with my friends
on the side of hell
hallelujah glory

john the baptist
that homosexual fuck
took jesus down by the river

fuck what's it gotta do with luck? 
i don't know if i know how to "let it go" 

filled with good intent
fueled by fear
we'll all become monsters

you think i've lost it? 
yeah, i've done lost it all
more than once
i ain't playing no more
i've already lost my mind in this song

i ain't no fucking messiah
i ain't no fucking king
but when it comes to liberty
all you gotta do is sing with me

la la la la long live liberty

i came by to sing rock n' roll songs. 
i came by to yell revolution. 
i came by for all you nonbelievers. 
mad as a hatter, but i ain't evil

Thinking Thoughts

i got up and washed some dishes and started 2 loads of laundry. All before a morning coffee mind you. 

I got some coffee. I've since began working on my zzzwalking post for the day and rearranged the living room. 

I need to go get those clothes out of the dryer actually but in my frenzy of art, cleaning, and reading I started thinking thoughts.

so for sake of rambling...

there is no good and evil only cause and effect in constant rotation.

reality is a relative.

consciousness is a choice.

i'm not sure on all the interworkings of those last 2 sentences, but I don't feel like redacting anything at the moment. Like I said "thinking thoughts". 

It's nice to have time to think. That's one reason I wander and draw so much. It gets you out of your head. 

In a society like ours where people are constantly on the go we must remember there are bits of "momentary bliss" all around us. We just have to be conscious enough to notice them. 

Anyway, those clothes need taken out of the dryer so I'm going to stop typing for now.

Also there was a really good rain yesterday evening/night. thank you magic.

be free fellow earthlings,



I officially sold 4 pieces from my art showing at Vivace.

That's pretty awesome. That's a first for me. Thank you magic.

It's also good to know the Alfreds will set out into the unknown.

The weather has been quite calming lately.

There's a very steady, cool beeze and it sounds like whispering through the newly bloomed tree leaves.

The following painting is from somewhere in Downtown Portland.

I happened dead in front of her for the first time the other day.

Normally I just admire her from the bus.

I think she's a spectacle worth sharing. I also love the brick building. 

Anyway... I must get ready for work now. 

Be free fellow Earthlings!


today I walked around the most beautiful neighborhood in NW Portland. This one block particularly had really tall Japanese Maples and well designed Victorian houses.

It was enough to make my mind wander and remember how to feel small. 

There are many great trees in this region. I find more and more respect for these beings with every passing day. 

They've seen so much come and go and they continue to grow. 

Metaphors. Cliches. Smoke Break.

Brainwaves > Emoticons 

Is Waka Flocka actually running for president? what the what is that about?

As if politics aren't a joke already.

So it goes.

Grow up humanity.


trees are magical. 

I'm officially distracted. 

wander more . stress less. 

be free fellow earthlings!


where do we begin? 

my computer is going entirely too slow but i'm going to keep typing. 

it catches up eventually; it gives me time to breathe. 

the climates have changed. we all know it. i'm just saying it for the sake of narrating. 

what's next? 

in short or long?

my computer stalled again

i'm going to ramble on

i write a lot in notebooks but it's another thing to ramble to a computer screen

it's an open ended script and hopefully it makes some kind of sense

it's hard to talk in sentences when there are so many parantheses in my neck 

living in northwest portland is intense

i appreciate this moment

some words just need to be typed for documentation


that's my favorite word

i moved 2900 miles away to find home

climate change

i moved here for rain

it's changed

so what are we going to do?

we got to come together

hyper localize

it doesn't have to be hard but you should get to know your neighbor

we don't need all the distractions

we set a lot of expectation on appointments and forget about the moments that happen every couple seconds

look up dreamers

the world is still turning

we must make time for learning

read a book. go for walks. say hello to one another.

i don't know where this is going.

these words that is.

we got to connect folks. 

we have to slow down. 

take time to think. take time to wander. 

if we don't take time to think we'll drive ourselves further towards insanity

the heats going to make them crazy.

drink water. lots of water.

california is drying up. so is mexico. so is palestine. and so on.

localize. make no room for the big guys.

it's not easy. nah. 

i don't even know what else to type. 

basically.. make time to think. make time to be. 

the world is changing fast. 

learn to observe. observe to learn.

i need to exit the internets and read some words. 

be free fellow earthlings!


Life As Of Late

These posts are fun. I have a blog. I pay $30 a month for this webprint. 

Yet I feel I've seen, felt, and learnt more in the last year than I could ever transcribe into print.

Truth is I spend a lot of time drawing: pictograph comics, weird scribble sketches, pastel thing its, Alfreds. 

Yet I rarely ever share the most of them. Why? I don't know.  I really don't.  

I want to make prints of this and that but I'm not there yet. It'll happen.

i've learned a lot about patience in this past year. I've learned a lot about myself.

I have been in a relationship with Sabrina Walker for almost a year now. That's a big wow! She's a remarkable and stunning individual. I could ramble on for pages about how she makes me happy. I've never felt a love like this. 

I have learned a great deal about politics and let me tell you shit is fucked up. Our climate is changing, people are out of work, our (United States) government is corrupt, and we're not doing enough about it. The old don't want to talk about it and the young don't want to think about it. That's not an opinion. That's a fact.

I got a new job and work a whole lot. A little more than I want but I need the bucks to do what I want. 

What is that you ask? Simply said to make money off of art. To create a free and open network. 

How? Well that goes back to patience and hard work.  

I don't expect the most of people to get it. I sometimes question my focus myself.  

Yet my dream of a Sleepwalking Collective has expanded from just me to me plus three and already others have expressed interest in joining this adventure.  

But you're just drawing pictures. How's that suppose to account for anything? That goes back to having patience. I'm only at Moment 93

From what I've gathered thus far life is about moments, connections, gratitude, and love.  

I want to give the world something genuine but that stuff can't be rushed.  

Life as of late? It's pretty damn great. As for the details.... It's not all that important anyway.  

I'm telling you I'm happier than I've ever been. There's a lot of messed up shit happening but there's power in communion with your fellow (wo)man. 

Reach out to others but don't break your back.

The ones worth your time will always reach back. 

Who's you talking to A.B.? Oh nobody friend. I'm just rambling. 
